Example sentences of "who [vb past] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Mohamed Ali was a ruthless figure who realised that to exploit his effective autonomy as ruler of Egypt , in the face of the growing power of Europe in particular , he would have to modernise his country .
2 This was firmly denied by the Committee , both before and after publication , who argued that to urge a change in the law was not necessarily to approve or endorse homosexual behaviour .
3 The appeals were opposed by Robert Harman QC , who argued that to have allowed the Press to stay in court , subject to a postponement order , for the disputed hearing would have served only to satisfy the ‘ inquisitiveness ’ of Old Bailey journalists .
4 The Bethnal Greeners of the 1950s who believed that to live together was an invitation to ‘ open conflict ’ belonged to a long tradition .
5 The Court 's decision was largely influenced by the evidence of a psychologist who claimed that to award custody or access to the grandmother would diminish the child 's prospect of developing ‘ a balanced personality ’ .
6 In his view , Baker and the LSG loyally pursued the president 's agenda and it was Reagan himself who decided whether to compromise , and when : ‘ It was Reagan , and Reagan alone , who decided that four fifths of a loaf , especially a loaf that was perhaps too large to begin with , was better than no loaf . ’
7 His value was partly to bewilder those Americans who felt that to dilute hard liquor with tonic water or soda was in some way unmanly .
8 The city has always had a crowd who knew that to get anything out you have to put something back — from Tokyo Joe 's at the end of the Eighties , through the larger clubs you mentioned such as Base and Joy , to Sugarsweet at present .
9 Has my right hon. Friend noticed the remarks of Sir Brian Corby , the president of the CBI , who said that to sign the social charter would be an act of remarkable lunacy ?
10 Also present at these meetings in various London clubs and restaurants were representatives from employers ' organizations , who recognized that to influence the Policy Unit was to influence the Prime Minister : if a minister proved unavailable , unsympathetic or intractable , they could outmanoeuvre him by enlisting Policy Unit support .
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