Example sentences of "her [noun pl] on [pron] " in BNC.

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1 PEP Guide editor Roz Barder is closer to the market than most , and she gave me her views on what to follow in 1993 .
2 Then he remembered her sweet voice , and the touch of her fingers on his face , and her warm breath on his lips .
3 He still bore the scars of her teeth on his calf and upper thigh .
4 ‘ If what I hear is true she 's sharpening her claws on her daughter-in-law these days , ’ said Rose .
5 They had returned on the late theatre train , and it had been most pleasant walking down from the railway station and along the seafront so late at night ; ah , to have a pretty girl by one 's side , and the touch of her lips on yours .
6 His mother put her lips on his cheek ; her lips were soft and they wetted his cheek ; and they made a tiny little noise : kiss .
7 He started to sit up , seeking her face , but she was already moving down the bed , and moments later he felt her lips on his stomach , and then upon the head of his cock , which she took into her mouth by degrees , her tongue playing on it as she went , until he thought he would lose control .
8 Yet , at the same time , her lips on his hand , and her cheeks , where tears had fallen , brought to mind other openings and liquids in her bowed body .
9 For a moment she found her lips on his smooth cheek , and she tasted salt from the spray of the boat journey .
10 Grant inhaled her perfume , felt the feather-light warmth of her lips on his , and closed his eyes contentedly .
11 She could n't turn round so she fixed her eyes on her two brothers on the altar .
12 Daisy wiped her eyes on her sleeve again .
13 Smearing her eyes on her sleeve she turned to face down her enemies .
14 And Ruth fixed her eyes on her mother .
15 ‘ How did you know about the coffee ? ’ she asked , keeping her eyes on her plate .
16 But she stayed on this balcony , her eyes on him , on this shape which fear had reduced to animal idiocy .
17 Feasting her eyes on him as he quickly enclosed his nether limbs , Gina was forcibly reminded of their first meeting .
18 Maggie fastened her eyes on him and tried to get control of her temper and her very stupidly lingering disappointment .
19 He flashed a glittering glance at her as if he felt her eyes on him and his gaze ran slowly over her face .
20 She stared at his profile , trying to see in him her old hero , and he shot her an intrigued look as he felt her eyes on him .
21 ‘ She is good , querida ? ’ he whispered , feeling her eyes on him .
22 Izzie looked at her father and kept her eyes on him , her head turned further and further over her shoulder , as the Mason towed her away by her wrist through the pushing crowd .
23 Rose kept her eyes on him .
24 Rose stared ahead , her eyes on something that was not in the room .
25 She smiled , her eyes on what she was doing .
26 ‘ France has her eyes on you , ’ he had told them in his first Order of the Day , and the troops had their eyes on Pétain ; even though for the best part of a week they were not actually to see the new commander in person .
27 Sarah followed him up the narrow stairs with her bag , her eyes on his thin , dirty bare legs and ragged trousers .
28 She kept her eyes on his shirt-front , not daring to look at his face ; to see his anger .
29 She 'd waited the few moments it took for his lean , athletic figure to be swallowed up in the crowd , feasting her eyes on his receding back , fighting back the threatening tears .
30 Then , her eyes on his face , she poured some for herself .
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