Example sentences of "her [noun] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Viola 's voice had that organ note of the English landed aristocracy , though in her case it had been formed not in the hunting-fields , but on the lonely , sheep expanses of her native land .
2 When she peered through her fingers it seemed to her that the butterfly was quite happy in its warm cage : not a flutter from its four wings as she proceeded carefully along the box-edged paths that led back to the green garden door .
3 Twice that morning , before even the heat was at its worst , she had to lie down and mop her face with a cold wet cloth and when she took the cloth from her skin it seemed to steam .
4 She thought that the spasm of pain would be followed by vomiting , as it often was , but by the time she reached her bedroom it had passed .
5 She gave it the liquorice of her mouth it began to thrive
6 She lay perfectly still , knowing that when the light , filmy shift settled over her body it revealed more than it hid .
7 Through her experiments it became evident that , despite the extensive elaboration of wine descriptors and the beliefs of the participants , neither lay persons nor experts were actually communicating knowledge about wines to their fellows in conversation , such that the wine referred to could be recognized from linguistic description alone ( Lehrer 1983 ) .
8 Under her leadership it became one of the most respected periodicals in the field .
9 She tried to pull away , but as she moved her head it brought her closer to his mouth , and when his lips touched hers she was lost , caught up in an explosion triggered by his touch .
10 Aware of the loose board near the top of the stairs , she clung to the wall and then slipped down to the garden in shadow , barely a shadow herself , and making as little noise , though inside her head it seemed as if her heart would waken the dead with its pumping .
11 His orgasms seemed to him to be perfectly genuine , but once Maisie had an idea in her head it proved difficult to shift .
12 Although , she reasoned realistically , if he had been fooling around behind her back it indicated that what he felt for her fell very far short of love , in which case he would probably have cancelled the wedding if she had n't .
13 But she had eaten it , and with the delicious taste still lingering on her palate it had seemed ungrateful to cross-question him .
14 As her mouth opened to gasp her shock it filled with snow and dead leaves .
15 When she discovered Camilla had acted as Charles 's unofficial hostess at Highgrove functions in her absence it made Diana loathe the place even more .
16 I mean while she had her career it did n't matter so much because I was there .
17 The coolly spoken words were like a bucket of ice-cold water thrown in her face , but instead of restoring her composure it had the opposite effect of stoking her anger all the more .
18 Later in her life it made her impossible .
19 A tap at the door and without waiting for her answer it opened a fraction .
20 McLeish decided that since she was unaware of her audience it did not become him to be selfconscious , and asked what she expected even a Senator to achieve in these circumstances ?
21 Her knowledge of the proposed legal charge , the reasons for it and the desirability of her signing it came exclusively from her husband .
22 With difficulty she repressed comments on the writer 's own linguistic proficiency , and how in her view it disabled him from judging Walter 's scholastic achievements ; with difficulty , too , she refrained from rebutting the idea that she was not getting any younger , for that was precisely what she felt she was getting , these days ; and she ended with best wishes for the future , mentally hoping it would not be for him a long one .
23 I quickly discovered that in her view it did n't have one , and that the only reason she had agreed to see me was to get this across once and for all .
24 David Southworth who owned the hall and who was the nephew of Tace 's widow , had done up the lodge as a home for his wife 's mother but since her death it had stood empty .
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