Example sentences of "her [noun] [conj] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Playboy was described as a pleasure-primer , its symbol was a rabbit and its bait was the Playmate of the month , the girl who was unfolded in the centre wearing a staple through her navel but not much else .
2 I demand to be paid for the hours I put in , whether your cousin passes her exams or not ! ’
3 I have to be paid whether she passes her exams or not . ’
4 Angelica , trying to place her accent but not managing it , said , ‘ You should see it when the season gets going , it 's madness .
5 Jacob looked happily on Violette , gaining reassurance from her presence if not her words .
6 Whether Dr Neil had noticed her hesitation or not , he said to the little woman — ignoring both Sally-Anne 's anger over his cruelty , and her thanks — which just went to show , she thought crossly , that it was no use trying to placate the unpleasant creatures — ‘ Matey , you will make us all a hot pot of tea , strong and sweet .
7 The shoemaker 's daughter was pretty enough but poorly dressed with a Welsh shawl over her shoulders and not even a hat to cover her hair .
8 Luke Calder would be a bad man to cross , and suddenly she was glad that this time he was on her side and not the opposition 's .
9 Barbara Coleman made a little jump backwards , a shaking hand went to her lips but not fast enough to cut off her cry of fear .
10 She opened her eyes and not trusting her tongue any longer simply looked at Steve .
11 It was as if the bombing was draining her of all feeling , leaving her so spent that all she wanted to do was to close her eyes and not open them again until it was all over .
12 ‘ For nothing , David , ’ said Julia , knowing that it was her fault and not his that they had got so near the brink .
13 A young man once told us , following a talk on sex and relationships , that the reason he fondled his fiancée 's breasts was for her pleasure and not his .
14 She had n't really believed it herself , not all of it anyway ; so when her mother started telling her that what Davy Treffry had said was more or less true , she wanted to put her hands over her ears and not listen ; she did n't want to know about the argument there had been between her father and her Uncle Harry ; she did n't want to hear about how they picked their wives by some silly fishing competition .
15 Anyway , her cancer as such was not actively discussed , so only her loss and not the cause of her loss was ever aired .
16 The arguments for treating disturbed , delinquent and deprived children alike are based on the assumption that the child is the product of his or her home and not a totally separate responsible individual .
17 His hair was almost black , heavy and smoothly groomed , swept back from a face that was icily cold , only the long , humorous-looking mouth telling her that this hostility was solely for her benefit and not some natural mannerism .
18 He looked at her from under those thick dark lashes , as though contemplating whether to answer her question or not .
19 Thanks to Ma really , he thought , and grinned , thanks to her fall and not being able to manage the washing herself .
20 And on this she turned away ; and Agnes got to her feet and not until then did she realise how tired and even sick she was feeling .
21 She expected to be told to get on with her work and not waste time , but instead Miss Phoebe became unusually animated .
22 The jobless Middlesbrough girl , whose father attended the hearing , was ordered as conditions of bail to live with her parents and not to see her baby .
23 The short answer to that is I think that she had not forfeited her right to be maintained by her husband by being in desertion : she had only suspended her right and not destroyed it .
24 I like to think that Miranda will survive her crisis and not be as depressed and defeated as she is now .
25 Molly spoke quietly and in English , only for the purpose of relieving her feelings and not in the expectation that this woman would understand .
26 Then she would find her pride and not indulge in this kind of behaviour when it had no future .
27 If only she could jump on her back and not stop galloping until she got to Ricky and Palm Springs .
28 ‘ The Methodists never made much headway with the Machin family , ’ said Rose , still keeping her distance and not looking him in the eye .
29 She recognized her name but not the other word .
30 A FURIOUS father crippled his ex-lover after she entered their son in a bonny baby contest in her name and not his .
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