Example sentences of "make [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Front-line supervisors make short-term day-to-day decisions and have no time for longer-term plans and decisions .
2 Typically , this will benefit builders and developers who intend to make a taxable supply of property , but who , in a troubled property market , make short-term exempt lettings before making the taxable supply .
3 And de Gaulle had , on each occasion , made strong personal appeals for a large " yes " vote , implicitly and sometimes explicitly indicating that he would resign if the vote went against him .
4 The ease with which it 's possible to construct very professional looking presentations has to be experienced to be believed , and some of the tools it provides would make professional traditional animators green with envy .
5 After the end of the second world war , however , a series of technological developments in farming , preserving , packaging , distributing and presenting foodstuffs made possible radical changes in foodstuff consumption habits .
6 The Royal Navy created by Henry VIII was manned by merchant seamen who fought the great naval battles which cleared the seas and made possible future trade with the East , while these same seamen , under letters of marque , plundered the bullion and seized the vessels of the enemies of England en route from the New World .
7 There was , unlike Medieval stone vaults , no lateral thrust and this made possible great vaults such as the Pantheon dome , the largest example in the world .
8 Invented in the late 18th century , it made possible large schools with a wide range of age and ability , that could be run by a small complement of teachers .
9 Even more important , the sale of public assets made possible large cuts in taxation in the 1985 and 1986 budgets .
10 This practice of employing deputies made possible bureaucratic pluralism .
11 Dalziel made squelchy soothing noises in his throat .
12 As well for garden planting for show or cutting , thy make stately pot-grown plants , but only for one year as they are unable to find enough plant nutrients to sustain them for another year .
13 The end result made solid good sense .
14 And then , as they mumbled and made half-hearted climbing-down gestures that he knew would probably stop as soon as he was out of sight , he opened up the door to the club and let himself in .
15 Its lights flickered at random and it made odd beeping noises .
16 Unlike the others , she did n't rush to say how pleased she was to see him after all this time ; she did n't make polite small talk about Lucasta Redburn 's death .
17 Pines , especially the dwarf types , make striking focal points , especially when they become old and gnarled .
18 The eryngiums , echinops and Acanthus spinosus all make striking dried flowers .
19 Mr and Mrs Smith should make pleasant sexual contact at night with each other after a day without argument .
20 It would be better if the method statement read ‘ Mr and Mrs Smith should make pleasant sexual contact at night after any day without argument ’ .
21 He cranked the handle and breathy rush of air made strange coloured flames leap from sea marinated flotsam .
22 The Hortons added on to the mill house , and during Elizabeth 's reign they made extensive gabled additions which can be seen best on the east façade .
23 ( v ) development of complex amplificatory , extending and reproductive technical systems , which make possible new kinds of presentation of all the preceding types , but also new kinds of presentation of practices still otherwise based on the use of inherent and constituted resources .
24 An important part of this particular procedure , for example , was the identification of the numbers of people it was proposed to place upon new points of each salary scale , to determine the financial implications and analyse the salary movements within each division of the company and make possible divisional comparisons .
25 They make possible composite materials which , weight for weight , are very much stiffer than metals ; or , stiffness for stiffness , considerably lighter ( see panel ) .
26 Such contests permit ‘ horse race journalism ’ ; they make possible endless speculation about who the front runner is , who the dark horses are and who has fallen at what fence , all of which helps to make television news broadcasts more exciting and enter-taining than they would otherwise be .
27 Environmental policies which did not take economic concerns into account were " doomed to fail " , he said , whereas " there is no better ally in the service of our environment than strong economies , economies that make possible increased efficiencies , that enable us to make environmental gains , economies that can generate new technologies and help us arrest and reverse the damage done to our environment " .
28 However , although the National Consumer Council concluded that such schemes do make a very real contribution , and also make possible extra journeys and excursions which would not be provided by fully routed bus services , they also pointed out that the schemes could not provide a complete answer to accessibility problems in rural areas .
29 LIBERTAS software for full computer management of the library 's resources was also introduced , and the first modules , dealing with catalogues , were completed they make possible fast retrieval of information on published literature .
30 As time and cost constraints make extensive physical experimentation increasingly difficult to justify , the transport sector has installed itself at the forefront of the model revolution .
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