Example sentences of "make [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 6.2.1 make payment of the royalties in excess of the Advance which are prescribed in clause 5.3.2 .
2 While Barnes was inspiring the South West , Andrew 's use of boot , brain and vision made ribbons of the Midlands line-out superiority .
3 Andrew 's use of boot , brain and vision made ribbons of the Midlands line-out superiority and visiting skipper Dean Richards admitted : ‘ He was the decisive factor . ’
4 With five minutes left , Deon Oosthuysen made ribbons of the Midlands defence on the right after Theo van Rensburg had committed the midfield with a powerful break .
5 Unix System Labs ' top brass has been meeting with the Russian Minister of Higher Education about getting Unix made part of the curriculum .
6 International Law so far as this Court is concerned , is the body of doctrine regarding the international rights and duties of States which has been adopted and made part of the Law of Scotland .
7 We note with approval the Management Group decision to speedily make copies of the non-confidential parts of their Minutes accessible to staff through deposit in the Library and the specialist gardens .
8 Despenser , made chamberlain of the king 's household in the autumn of 1318 , was son of an old servant of the king who was also called Hugh , but the young man was greedy and tactless on a scale which surpassed Gaveston and alarmed and alienated particularly the lords of the Welsh Marches ( where he laid claim to extensive lands ) and drove them into uneasy alliance with Lancaster .
9 I then made copies of the negatives and went into the darkroom , using pens , brushes , sandpaper , whatever came to hand , in fact to distort the images before finally re-copying to get higher contrast prints , which I finished off with selenium toner .
10 I made copies of the information and these this was given to Superintendent .
11 and made maps of the silenced mineworkings .
12 At the Brighton conference , though , it came under attack from those who make maps of the sky .
13 You can isolate a section of the design and repeat it within the grid area , or make repeats of the whole design .
14 Make sketches of the larva or pupa , remembering to write the date in each drawing .
15 Be interested and listen to what he says , and make notes of the conversation for future reference .
16 He made imprints of the keys in bars of soap before returning them to the sleeping prison officer .
17 People through the ages made images of the Tree of Life , as with the stone altar in Neolithic Malta with trees carved on all four sides .
18 Four Australian cricket-writers and one Australian team manager will never forget the day at net practice in Christchurch on the 1985–86 tour of New Zealand when , during a routine discussion with the journalists on preparation for a one-day match , he made mention of the fact that he intended to resign if his shattered team did not win the match the following Saturday .
19 The rubrics in the 1662 Order for the Burial of the Dead only make mention of the ‘ corpse ’ or ‘ body ’ : ‘ The Priest and Clerks , meeting the Corpse at the entrance of the Church-yard … . ’ ;
20 Stray images wandered into her unfocussed mind : the glossy black heads of seals breaking the sea 's surface , the castle with knights riding out — She could make pictures of the Lock in her head again !
21 There is also opposition to the principle that companies can bid for more than one commercial television licence : the IBA has warned the government this will make management of the network between now and 1993 very difficult .
22 They were carried along on their gently-moving conveyor belt at a speed of about one and a half kilometres an hour , while they made determinations of the viscosity of the lava beneath the rubbly crust , and eventually hopped off again , none the worse for wear .
23 We got a tremendous shock of course and I was extremely upset because the love of my life had nearly been made part of the road surface .
24 English language broadcasts remained but were made part of the country 's external radio services .
25 The facts are these : condoms need n't disrupt sex if you keep them handy and putting one on is made part of the pleasure of sex .
26 The curators ' muse here is Diana Vreeland , whose ‘ editorial verve ’ , the curators say , took the Costume Institute ( made part of the Met in 1946 ) from an assemblage of theatre costumes to one of the world 's largest collections .
27 The upper part of his tomb had been made part of the perimeter by a grill of fine arches behind .
28 It was made part of The East Surrey Regiment in 1916 , and in 1935 was converted to an anti-aircraft role as part of The Royal Engineers .
29 In 1254 Ireland was made part of the endowment of Edward , the king 's son , and John Fitzgeoffrey , between 1254 and 1258 , became the prince 's leading councillor .
30 It 's not something that I can deal with in these orders er I 'm afraid that er there was a decision within the community which was then er made part of the nineteen seventy six E C direct elections act .
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