Example sentences of "get the [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and once they got the problem resolved , you know , then they became different people .
2 He knew he was behaving ludicrously and the sooner he got the wench locked up with a pack of nuns the better .
3 Friendly representations on Dryden 's behalf got the ban lifted ( Cleomenes opened on 16 April ) , but with an ugly gap threatened in the theatrical diary , for a while it looked as though The Fairy Queen would have to be brought forward .
4 There would have been no action and there 'd have been a nice plan on the table and I sincerely believe that but for general management we would have lost the opportunity to ( a ) have got the money , and ( b ) got the clinic built before people could actually realise what was happening and there 's been other instances of that .
5 The Girls who got the contract loved it ; they earned £8.10s a week and stayed in the best hotels .
6 What I heard every time Barnesy got the ball made me feel really bad for him .
7 She got the ceiling decorated and made improvements to the entrance to make it more welcoming .
8 We thought all our problems were over when we finally got the rig set up , but now we 've got to examine a deluge of fresh rock ! ’
9 Thatcher quickly ran some samples through , got the changes agreed and called in a local studio to re-do the artwork .
10 But we got , we got the things done in that respect .
11 Yeah , erm , I mean , I think , what you 've , what you 've actually done is identified quite a lot more areas than they , they had four , which which they did in in some detail , and they got the stories classified , erm , what you 've actually thought of , is is far more areas , which I think 's good , erm , and maybe other areas to consider as well .
12 ‘ It has been hectic , but they have all done their bit to make sure we got the building finished on time . ’
13 After all , our licence fee got the programmes made in the first place
14 When we got the rope tied across , Ivy my daughter , she walk across the ice to see if it hold her .
15 And er further to further that opinion when we got the dues taken off the worker 's wages and delivered to the office that still did n't help the the matter .
16 The horse got the message.and set off once more at a lively gait .
17 ‘ I got the ankle twisted in a tackle , and it 's badly swollen , ’ said Blair , who was last night on crutches .
18 Rory leapt back , staggered on legs that had gone half to sleep , and only just scrambled into the broom cupboard and got the door shut before the bedroom door opened .
19 ‘ I 'm sure she did , lots of times over the years , and she always got the door slammed in her face . ’
20 Sh she got the door closed ?
21 But he got a pattern made and had the base of the machine made at a local foundry and he made all the leverage parts and got the , he got the blades made in Sheffield or somewhere and er he made one for himself .
22 Is there any chance of a job or has the Godfather Of Soul got the market sewn up ?
23 The 11-year-old , identified only as Donna , was playing in Albert Park , Middlesbrough , when she got the finger stuck in a hole on the back of the bench .
24 We eventually got the repairs done free of charge , despite the fact that we were on the verge of receiving a repair bill totalling £100 .
25 It was a despatch which The Times never printed : its sports editor was out to dinner , as usual , and the subeditor who got the copy missed a major scoop through ignorance .
26 Well almost I got the cupboard done and I got the tiles lying by the side of the hob , but they have n't yet been cut to fit erm and glued down but one of these day 's he 'll get around to it .
27 You got the men sorted out ?
28 ‘ I got the hell beat out of me and I 've been a Mexican ever since . ‘
29 As far as he was concerned , the loss of all personnel in the field with the exception of Bronson Manolo could be classed as an acceptable casualty rate if it got the job done .
30 All he cared about was booze , but he still got the job done before he got soaked .
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