Example sentences of "get [to-vb] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to be anyone or get anywhere , you 've got to go for it here . ’
2 ‘ We 've got to go for it .
3 This is my second time around and I 've got to go for it .
4 You 've got to wait for your money have n't you ?
5 Ah , yo you 've got to wait for your cup of tea erm , they 've sort of gone a bit cold .
6 that , if you leave and that car comes and signals left , it means that you 've got to wait for it to go in , in case it does n't you know what I mean .
7 You 've got to work for yourself really have n't you .
8 She 'll stay there even if she does n't like it because she 's got to provide for them .
9 Once they 'd done with our , figures and our faces then we 'd got to look for our innards and so we had had to have inner cleanliness .
10 Yes , I want to leave early tomorrow , because I 'm , I 'm not going to rush for a train , I do n't want to be caught thinking oh the last train to Stow Market goes at four o'clock and I 've got to run for it I got to be prepared to miss the train .
11 this is what I 'm fighting for , I 'm fighting for equal rights , and I 'm fighting to get more women into further education cos I think it 's it 's a very basic that we all need to go into and it 's hard , and the openings are n't there women to go into , you 've got to fight for it , yeah !
12 er and of course I 've known Walter for years but I do n't know his wife , I 've never met his wife and of course not being able to get out into the street now , I should get out for about two years after I lost my husband and then I got this er awful pain nobody knows unless they have it er this arthritis in my knees , you see , and erm and then I found that it was too much for me to er otherwise I used to walk up to the post box road and I used to count the steps , three hundred and something steps there and three hundred and something back , you see , and to the front door , you see , but I , I ca n't do it now but I have with help and I went out last year with er Mrs and er twice we went to Dulwich which I enjoyed and so did she and the last time we went to and er we had our lunch and we went to see my cousins at West Suffolk and and , and then came home again , you see , and that 's the only time I went out last year and usually I used to go to for a day and I am hoping that if I , I am hoping , well you can only hope , that I might perhaps go so out one Sunday , once , just once in the , you see , because er , th that 's when when you 're old you 've got to keep , you 've got to hope for something
13 so how , how was it that Jesus saves us and had he , he 'd got to die for us , what , could n't he save us without dying because his death was , was n't very nice by any means
14 No , I 've got to revise for my erm science test tomorrow and I 've got loads of stuff to do , I 've got to keep going for the weekend , actually I have n't got that much to do , I 've got drama that I can do if you just would be so kind turn over to number three so I can have a look at some adverts I 've got a , will there be any adverts after
15 I ca n't buy myself anything , I 've still got to pay for them
16 We 've got to pay for them first .
17 Got to pay for them , er . .
18 Very big , and also for the West Germans , because they 've got to absorb these sixteen million or so new er citizens and they 've got to pay for them until they pay for themselves , and meanwhile they 've got to carry various international costs , especially payments to Russia for the Russian troops who are going to stay on for three or four years , and pay for them to withdraw and pay to build barracks for them in , in Russia so that they can withdraw .
19 You 've got no savings you 've got no relatives you can fall back on , you have no other source of income and you 've got to pay for everything off of sixty three twenty .
20 Somebody 's got to pay for everything .
21 in this private in this country does n't mean that you 've got to pay for it , it does mean that you 've got to pay for yourself , but its not like obligatory , so you might as well get the money you can , if you that , at that , at that standard are n't , had n't you really ? , if you can get that money , you 'd be thick not to go for it
22 you 've got to pay for your vegetables
23 Yes he 's built a business up and I 'm not denying him that er or anything at all , But somehow now er I do n't know whether the wheel is turning too fast for him to co keep up with it or whether it 's erm oh never mind the erm the industry of the locality , providing the money stakes a I know every business has got to pay for itself and that we we 're not , If this quarry was on the down grade and er er somebody had come to us said , look unless you take a drop in your wages er we ca n't survive that would be a different issue altogether .
24 And we 'd got to pay for it which was usually another five bob .
25 Somebody 's got to pay for it .
26 Ah but see you 've still got to pay for it have n't you ?
27 in this private in this country does n't mean that you 've got to pay for it , it does mean that you 've got to pay for yourself , but its not like obligatory , so you might as well get the money you can , if you that , at that , at that standard are n't , had n't you really ? , if you can get that money , you 'd be thick not to go for it
28 ‘ What have you got to say for yourself ? ? ! ’
29 ‘ What have you got to say for yourself , Jebeau ? ’
30 ‘ And what have you got to say for yourself ? ’
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