Example sentences of "get [adj] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yeah well , I got busted for dope once .
2 When they did make up the T-shirts — as I backed down and did the separations — they got busted for sedition , which was an obscure act of whenever .
3 Near as we can make out , the SunSoft Inc deal with Motorola Inc for Solaris on PowerPC is very fresh : it was likely completed over the weekend of March 27 ; weekends are getting popular for closing — the Common Operating Software Environment was n't a deal until the evening of Sunday , March 14 .
5 Dunnes get fine for beetle infested soup
6 it was only ten to eight and I got up because I thought I was getting late for work and I 'd better get moving .
7 And a scribbled note eventually gets printed for posterity .
8 Perhaps the logical extension of this getting undressed for success in this month 's Playboy , in which Sandra 's regular photographer Michel Comte pictures her in various states of undress ‘ with women , with men — nothing very raunchy .
9 The room was disarranged , in the way rooms get disarranged for cleaning .
10 He says he feels sorry for his brother , he fears he may return to a life of crime if he gets desperate for cash .
11 Cheating wife gets go-ahead for baby claim
12 Getting ready for bed the first night she said , ‘ I 'm glad I 'm sharing your room , Ruth .
13 At night , when he was getting ready for bed , he would switch on his bedside lamp and stand with his back to it so he could see his shadow against the far wall .
14 And then , out of the blue , as she was getting ready for bed on the evening before Kirsty was due to go off on holiday , Mrs Aitken tapped on Shiona 's bedroom door .
15 She showered , but instead of getting ready for bed she dressed in her new shirt and jeans .
16 What about you getting ready for bed now ?
17 A getting ready for school group for the rising fives and parents funded by the school , is run by Christine Swaby , lower school coordinator .
18 All the little monsters were getting ready for school .
19 been and gone and we 're now getting ready for Easter , all these and cards are coming into the shops and
20 While we were all getting ready for work one morning , a few days after the above conversation , one of the other girls ( Martha ) transferred a fifty-pound note from her handbag to the pocket of her apron , which was at that point still hanging by the door with everyone else 's .
21 It 's 7.00 a.m. on a cold dark morning in Stroud , but 19 year old Jason Scrivens is more than happy to be getting ready for work .
22 Well it past half past ten , you think he 'd be up and getting ready for work .
23 the hall was , they 're getting ready for lunch
24 The swimmers and sunbathers had all gone , getting ready for dinner , and the groundsmen were setting up the tables and lighting the barbecue .
25 The men were getting ready for blast off .
26 When you run get sponsored for Shelter !
27 When you run get sponsored for Shelter !
28 ‘ I , myself , have been observing this jet as it gets ready for take-off and there is a definite smell of fuel . ’
29 Chinatown gets ready for Food Act
30 Yeah well get ready , but come on go and get ready for school !
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