Example sentences of "so what you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 So what you 'll have to do now is go back to erm page eighteen I guess , no have n't got page eighteen have we ?
2 And this is a ph , like a photocopy , so what you 'll have is a nice printed version with Abbey Life blue , purely for you to get a feel of if you like , , and in this , we 're very quickly going to go through on the first sheet it will have activity and production and it will have your data there .
3 So what you would have had for the whole of ninety two and the whole of ninety three will all come in , will all come in the second half of ninety three .
4 So what you would see is the machine , as it were , engaging the patient in a much more perhaps conversational mode and with much more feedback and response to the way in which the patient is answering the questions or behaving , rather than just , as it were , a machine which elicits information from the patient and compares it with a statistical set of data .
5 So what you should have copied down is bar one again .
6 So what you should have is a full diary , not full of appointments , full of activity .
7 So what you could do with it .
8 So what you could do , you could see the defence , and then from that you could work backwards , to the motive of the defence .
9 So what you must do , and it is not easy , is to create a clown-like detective hero who has a core of toughness , of shrewdness even , which will allow him in the end plausibly to come out on top .
10 I think the problem is that if you 're not careful this will leave the counterproductive erm , somebody said well I do n't mind paying two fifty or three quid so what you 'd gain on the seats you 'd lose on the side .
11 Or you can say it the other way round That 'll be a negative correlation Now the alternative would be when you plot them you get a circle almost , you get , there appears to be no systematic relationship between the two So what you 'd be tempted to say is , no correlation Now I 'm gon na try and move towards how we might measure , how might we actually measure , get a measure of correlation because what you 'd be able to say is , well they 're more correlated or less correlated .
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