Example sentences of "get [art] [noun pl] you " in BNC.

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1 I mean I mean obviously the it may be that erm there 's very little these days I 'm afraid which is an absolutely copper bottomed guarantee you know but if if if they were able to say well you know yes we do take people who 've got the exams you know we took somebody last year or whatever .
2 I mean we hardly went into another shop and yet , you see , we have a young chappie like yourself who comes to the Guild once every year and shows us slides of old Walsall , Walsall Wood , Aldridge , the local area , and he said I 'm not very good Ruth at talking but he he 'd got the slides you know , and it , it used to end up with me doing the commentary on Walsall Wood , because you stand on the of Walsall Wood , which is there now , and your Co-op was right on the corner which is why I call it the corner store and you see people congregated there , people met there and when I 'd been accused of the , we 'd been at the college or at other conferences and why ca n't we get Guild members today , well that was the breeding ground your shop , you see .
3 You 've got no savings you 've got no relatives you can fall back on , you have no other source of income and you 've got to pay for everything off of sixty three twenty .
4 You 've got no savings you 've got no relatives you can fall back on , you have no other source of income and you 've got to pay for everything off of sixty three twenty .
5 You see there 's been that there 's been that many flung out of jobs Sharon , there 's been that many people put out of jobs , there 's been that many people bought their houses and been put out on the streets they 've got no homes you know .
6 Given it up and he said oh well got no kids you know they live in this house , got no kids .
7 And what 's more , there 's no pressure to buy , no long term commitment to meet and a Red House ordering procedure that guarantees that you only ever get the books you ask for .
8 Until you are consistently getting the photos you want from inside the photographic sector , you will need to fly some distance beyond the turning point so that you do not have to be in a very steep turn or exactly positioned .
9 Like Robert Capper said : ‘ If you 're not getting the pictures you 're not close enough . ’
10 The council tax helpline is not a figment of Agnes 's imagination it 's there to help you get the benefits you 're entitled to .
11 It 's far more likely that you will get the spells you are looking for if you select them from say the Amethyst or the Jade college rather than choosing one from Jade , one from Bright , one from Amethyst etc .
12 Yeah , have a word with her and perhaps she 'll like to listen to that to the er words sort of that , and then make her own comments , it 's nice to get the opinions you know , the , the many of the family as you can
13 Then concentrate your styling efforts to get the results you want and you can save time and effort .
14 a lot of the lab work done here anyway , everyone knows what the results should be , it just seems a waste of time because you know the equipment 's not good enough to get the results you should be getting , so you spend most of your time writing why your results have n't come out .
15 He outlines the qualitites to look for in a printer and explains how best to get the results you require .
16 To get the tickets you had to sign up for a complete tour and hospitality package , available through Travelforce , a travel agency in Durban — of which the then President of the Natal Rugby Union , and member of the Executive of the ( former ) SARB , just happened to be a director .
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