Example sentences of "get [art] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , but why they got the to offer it , because we were promised that this , this event would be decreased .
2 You 've got the to do it and th I 'll have to be ever so careful I 'm we wearing a .
3 And I 'd got the Know me God Personally cos the words really stand out on that little green book .
4 That 's why I put on the weight , I just stand there all day you see got a load them in and press the button that 's all I do all day , I do n't move !
5 Oh I ai n't got a thank you on here .
6 Or if your mother had got a say she made you a meat and tater pie in a little dish , if you took this little dish with you , the lady used to er warm it up for you .
7 Erm have you got a have you got pad or anything ?
8 Oh have you got a have you got them ? pictures of Danny , Alex and erm Mohammed and Peter and Tom and Abdullah .
9 Er ai n't you got a have you got a general file ?
10 And no gratitude — your Auntie can slave for you , work her fingers to the bone , but it 's Miss Green gets the thank yous !
11 Usual stuff — you arrange that on such-and-such a day you 'll turn up with so many people and so much luggage and he 'll transport you to the next place and when you turn up he pretends things have changed and you did n't say fifty but fifteen and anyway the price has gone up and so on and so bloody on until he gets the backhander he wants .
12 What about getting the do you do you get the gist but not the details .
13 For a girl who has school trophies for athletics and swimming in the family cabinet , who supports Liverpool and whose favourite player is Steffi Graf , Bradnam is getting an achiever who looks to the best in sport for her inspiration .
14 It started well , but Hopper , who was acting , directing , and smoking , could not get the take he required .
15 I 'll get the Have you layered it ?
16 Do n't worry if you ca n't do it if you ca n't any of these any of these exercises that I give you by the way it 's not like homework it 's just for you to play with them to get the do them at your own pace .
17 I 'll try and ru , try up Langley in the morning , I 'll get a do we need bread anyway ?
18 Would you be able to get a get us another reference ?
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