Example sentences of "so that [pron] feel " in BNC.

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1 I mean if you think about it it was just an impossible task to do it sort of fairly or so that everybody felt all right about it and also that you know if it 's your own children you 're having to choose presents you know the who whole idea was sort of very very difficult really .
2 Your sermon was inspiring , and thank you for sharing this moving service with so many all round the country , so that we felt as one with your own congregation …
3 Try as we might to tell ourselves that it 's ‘ what 's on the inside that counts ’ , we have very little evidence to show that it 's true , and inside and outside can become confused , so that we feel bad on the inside but believe that if we altered what 's on the outside ( our bodies ) we could change how we feel .
4 Legends about the movement of stones arise because , if the stones are alive with energy , this in some way affects our perception so that we feel they are moving .
5 We all surround ourselves with people who share our beliefs so that we feel comfortable , so it 's often the ‘ obvious truths ’ which we most need to question .
6 In The Secret Sharer , the narrator-reader relationship is objectified by the use of " I " , so that we feel the observer as being a separate identity from ourselves , however much we may be invited to share his vision .
7 Sometimes she would climax first , sometimes he , and on good nights they would explode together so that they felt the same tingling in the very tips of their toes and even then he 'd had to remember to withdraw — just in case .
8 Obviously a great deal will depend on the ability the clergyman to communicate in ways the family find helpful so that they feel they are central to these arrangements .
9 This emphasis upon the need for cultural and social reinforcement , though often overlooked by educationalists , is crucially important if the learning process is to be useful and related to the experience of the community groups so that they feel they can go on to employ practical applications of their learning .
10 The reason why caterwauling is associated with rutting is because it is most common then , the scent of the female on heat attracting males from far and wide and bringing them uncomfortably close together , so that they feel unusually inclined to vent their feelings of hostility towards one another .
11 They are often not very confident ( however they may appear ) and always want to impress their friends by their unpleasant exploits , so that they feel wanted and accepted by the in-crowd — just like Herod .
12 These are groups which share a particular life-style , language , and assumptions so that they feel at home with one another .
13 The attribution of the positive changes to their own efforts is important so that they feel confident in managing without the help of a professional .
14 Men can practise putting them on and feeling comfortable with them on their own so that they feel less awkward with someone else .
15 It 's such a lovely idea , think of all those people whose battle for life is so depressing , and then just one moment of beauty may come and illuminate the dark corners of their existence , so that they feel they may have lived just for that one thing .
16 It is a shocking scene , because it starts by involving the audience in its raw eroticism and then turns on them , so that they feel guilty for the stirrings they have inevitably been experiencing .
17 , can I , can I just say , thank you Chairman , but could I just say on two three , I think that one of things that built the partnership was actually the launch of Ludlow , and that all those organizations were there , and helped part of the process , and I think one of the things we need to think about , Chairman , is now we 've got that B status , even though we 're arguing at the fringes , we 've actually got it , is perhaps doing another event like Ludlow , to involve all the organizations that , that , that will be participating in the programme , to give them a , so that they feel a , a common ownership of the programme , they can put forward the projects they want , they feel they are part of the process .
18 I would suggest that if you put the tickets up to actually give them a raffle ticket on , on entrance you know , so that they feel they 're getting sort of and
19 This process needs to be regularly discussed and recorded in consultation with resistant pupils so that they feel encouraged and not threatened where appropriate professional
20 So , in the meantime , I 'll just see how dreadful a time I can have , so that everyone feels sorry for me and I can avoid taking responsibility for my life ! ’
21 It helps the conversation become familiar , so that everyone feels at home in it , and feels able to contribute to it , without fear of being thought inadequate .
22 Some time needs to be spent in conversation so that she feels he desires the total person and not just the body .
23 Many children need to spend much of their time with the group in physical activity out-of-doors , and a teacher supervising them can help to develop their experiences and language , so that she feels her time is being used just as profitably out-of-doors as within the confines of the classroom .
24 She wanted to kiss him , to soften him , to diminish him in some way so that she felt safer , more human .
25 He was terrified , and his fear began to obsess her , so that she felt her own body begin to knot up with tension again .
26 Her head did not precisely ache , but it felt hollow and somehow precarious ; and she found it hard to make her muscles work so that she felt as though she might trip over her own feet or walk into the furniture .
27 Shafts of sunlight gleamed through the avenue of trees , warming the air so that she felt no need to wear the jacket she had brought with her as a precaution against the temperamental nature of Danish weather , holding it casually instead over one arm , perfectly comfortable in the same linen dress she had worn the previous evening .
28 This made her think suddenly of the pain which Neil Cochrane must have endured , so that she felt pity for him , after all .
29 As it stole towards him , Dr Neil made no move , did not move himself or it , when she put her own hand on his , but let it lie lax , so that she felt no threat from him .
30 She was very relieved , so much so that she felt weak .
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