Example sentences of "so [that] their [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Ministers in this scandal should be ordered to appear before a Commons committee so that their actions , and those of the Government , can be properly examined .
2 The fact that drivers — unlike , say , factory workers — have to work independently to some extent , so that their schedules can not be fixed in advance , is one reason why employment law is particularly hard to grapple with in the haulage industry .
3 For example , there appears to be considerably more mobility between agencies than there is of managers between private firms , so that their interests are less closely linked .
4 The only change since 1974 is that the metropolitan counties and the GLC were abolished in 1986 , so that their functions have largely been distributed between their component districts and boroughs or transferred to newly created joint boards . )
5 By establishing the practice of job rotation workers become generalists so that their skills and experience are specific to particular firms and therefore less transferable .
6 Soon PostScript ( and one of its rivals , called TrueType , which is the brain-child of Apple and Microsoft , two suppliers to the personal-computer market ) will be added to the nuts and bolts of computers so that their screens accurately display the page about to be printed .
7 In the high-angled sun the feet of some reflected the light so that their breasts appeared red too .
8 An important first step was to include these hospitals in the budgets of the regional health authorities , so that their claims had to be considered alongside everyone else 's .
9 Party leaders should consider taking the major drug companies into public ownership so that their products were developed on the basis of need rather than profit .
10 For example , we now brief recruits on their rights and tell them and encourage them to actually come forward with their complaints , we very carefully brief and select our N C Os , we have open days for parents , we bring parents in so that they can feel part of the set up right from the start and so that their sons join the army and they tell their other friends to make sure they do to .
11 The culminating symbol of so much diverse activity was to be achieved in the thirteenth century , when the independent cities , led by those of Flanders , erected fine belfries so that their bells should rival those of the churches in summoning the flock to meet .
12 It would cease to be recognizable as the river which the local people enjoyed , but it would become a very efficient drain , so that their sitting-rooms would no longer be ruined periodically , and farmers with land adjacent to the river would be able to grow more and better crops to feed the very people who were complaining .
13 It is true that high-level Bolshevik theorists in Moscow and Petrograd tended to select , filter , and interpret evidence from the localities in the light of their prevailing general beliefs , so that their conclusions had little foundation in hard evidence .
14 They suffer principally because the companies whom they are supplying tend to take extended credit in paying their bills , er so that their problems are not entirely of their own making .
15 The embrace went on for a long time , but Miguel kept his self-control , so that their kisses , although they grew sweeter and more languid , never became threatening .
16 ‘ Hang the booms so that their chains can be hitched and unhitched .
17 About thirty sub-adult tigers there were darted and fitted with radio collars so that their movements could be monitored , sometimes from a light aircraft but often from elephant back !
18 She went over and crouched down before her chair , so that their faces were level .
19 The aim is to produce more economists who can handle practical affairs seriously ; more generalists--aware in a rough way of what non economists think--by making it easier to concentrate on particular problems , so that their views may more easily be sought and comprehended ; and more theorists who plan their work in an economic manner .
20 So much so that their warm-ups , conducted in brief escapes from the treatment room , have been dubbed ‘ around your body in 80 seconds ’ .
21 Those who are alleged to be unfit to practise by virtue of illness can be referred by the Investigating Committee , Professional Conduct Committee or any concerned citizen to a separate UKCC Health Committee , so that their cases may be considered with medical reports and advice available .
22 So how had this mutual aid , if that was all it was , slowly changed , so that their lives became interdependent , until one day it was love ?
23 In Robinson 's version , resistances R 1 and R 3 were special ganged conductances so that their dials carried a direct frequency reading , according to equation ( 7.22 ) .
24 The 1988–89 Committee spent a long time agonising over the problem of how to keep the broadcasters at arms length , so that their editors would not be able to provide the signal in ways that might be journalistically attractive but would be repugnant to Members .
25 The other members of the Nostromo 's crew were splattered with animal guts , not having been warned beforehand , so that their reactions were real and spontaneous .
26 Heads of Department and staff were also asked to use the International Reading Association check list in relation to the most popular texts so that their responses could subsequently be checked with mine ( see appendix 2 for check list and annotation ) .
27 This means that all users must know which charge codes to use when they start to create new modules so that their modules can be stored against the correct charge code for their project .
28 The radical change is that the grant-in-aid to individual museums is no longer earmarked , so that their trustees will be able to decide how to distribute funds , in particular between maintenance costs and purchases .
29 Sometimes as they fly , they tilt their bodies so that their tails dip into the water , and beat a further few strokes , renewing their impetus and extending their flight .
30 Plant pests are herbivores , eating foliage or sucking the sap , while predators are carnivorous and live by feeding on plants pests , directly or by laying their eggs among colonies so that their larvae have a ready supply of food .
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