Example sentences of "so [v-ing] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 " with the view to promoting the co-operation of the two schools and the possibility of avoiding the teaching subjects in the two schools having a tendency to overlap and so bringing the two schools more fully in accord with the requirements of the town . "
2 It includes integrated Ethernet adaptor and a SCSI interface , so using the latter , it is possible to add a disk .
3 Which that , that then gets you into the issue of whether you are deliberately going to being creating a rich peasant economy and s erm so using the rich peasant economy as the leading sector .
4 There are other ways to access this world , but utilising sexuality is the way I discovered we could — perhaps — manage to do so using the human nervous system .
5 Here again the old north to south and east to west through-roads were diverted to pass through the new market place , so producing the dangerous corners which still exist in the town today .
6 They sailed overhead and swayed with the slightly erratic action of the cableway holding them , bumping into each other now and again and so producing the clinking noise just audible over the din .
7 Judges would be charged with the duty of interpreting and protecting the constitution so keeping the legislative sovereignty of Parliament within written , legal , limits .
8 In Northern Ireland , the British system has reinforced tribalism , so denying the reasonable Unionists representation and by under-representing the moderate Nationalist minority .
9 When the British were attacked for their role in the Boer War , Hyndman and Quelch for the British Social Democratic Federation prepared a dossier on the crimes of other imperial powers as the basis for condemning all — and so exonerating the British as no worse than the rest .
10 By the time Henley was opened Braid had already won the Open Championship four times and went on to win again in 1910 so becoming the first golfer to win five times .
11 It was eventually spurred into action when the majority of the member states began to take unilateral action to control imports of coal into their own territories , so obviating the whole object of the common market since the new controls also applied to imports from other ECSC states .
12 For each of the additional searches of the lexicon , the length of the required string is always known , so searching the whole lexicon is wasteful .
13 But Arudy has little to be said for it ; it is a small , mildly industrial town , best known for marking the spot where the glacier that once ground its way down the Ossau valley built a wall of debris , so causing the present-day Gave to make an abrupt swerve to westward .
14 Maybe the " honest " working man would entrench himself in his own institutions and , in isolation , be a danger to the unity and strength of the whole nation ; and maybe prolonged intransigence , accompanied by inevitable police control , would break down the divide between the labouring classes and the " dangerous classes " so causing the popular forces to unite and assume a truly menacing character that would be beyond concessionary control .
15 This increases the amount of sebum , the oily substance produced by the skin 's sebaceous glands and causes the follicles to become blocked , so causing the inflamed spots .
16 We could , for example , replace the full stop between the two sentences of our rewritten version with a semicolon , so turning the original four short sentences into a single , more complex sentence .
17 Rubinstein ( 1989 ) has pointed out that the introduction of trading in baskets of shares ( e.g. the shares in the S&P500 index or the Index Participation Units ( TIPs ) in the Toronto 35 index ) such as index participations , will lower the transactions costs of index arbitrage , so narrowing the no-arbitrage band .
18 Every legitimate group secures its fair share and the equilibrium of interest-group interaction provides for public policy that is a reasonable approximation of society 's preferences so securing the general interest at the same time as the overall system is rendered stable and legitimate .
19 Such arms were generally apsidal in one or three apses and these designs led to the later development of the chevet , particularly seen in France ; also , in order to retain their privacy , the monks re-established the nave altars east of the crossing , so confirming the eastern altar position .
20 So adding the positive number that 's just normal adding , adding a negative number that 's the same as taking it away .
21 From what I later found out , it was apparent that if we were not sent home it may have become increasingly difficult to transport those pupils who travelled on coaches home through the floods which had been gradually rising , mainly due to the River Deben bursting its banks and so flooding the nearby villages .
22 The heat swells the metal , so breaking the rusted joint .
23 Before the elections of 1964 , 1966 , and 1970 , real personal disposable income was rising at more than double its normal rate of growth — so supporting the political business cycle thesis , but Alt suggests that these " short pre-election spurts may not do the government of the day all that much good , and there is no evidence that they do ( at least if short-term enough ) the economy any particular harm " .
24 He then extracted the vector x and wrote it vertically as a parallel to y , so requiring the row-by-column rule for multiplication .
25 They become familiar with the area , using regular paths and tracks , so minimising the constant risk of falling .
26 At the economic level by avoiding the separation of accumulation from production and so giving the working class control of the social surplus product .
27 He had apparently been very obstreperous during the night — trying to get up , demanding to go home and so disturbing the other patients that he had been moved , temporarily to a private ward .
28 Monica loves to entertain and cook for visitors , but dislikes spending all her time away from them in a separate room , so linking the two rooms was the perfect solution .
29 Any member of the public can make a ‘ presentment ’ there , so continuing the medieval accusatorial procedure .
30 Shortly after birth , the mouse was fed water containing traces of metal , so activating the injected construct ; the result was a mouse almost twice the size of a normal mouse , and was affectionately labelled ‘ Supermouse ’ .
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