Example sentences of "so [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 However , another officer was not so polite about Scotland , particularly its whisky .
32 That 's probably why I 've been so bloody to Perdita .
33 So grateful for gravel
34 I 'm so grateful to Chris and to Mr Evans . ’
35 Legend has it that the mandarin was so grateful to Earl Grey for services rendered that he gave him his secret tea recipe , to keep mind , body and spirit together in perfect harmony .
36 They are so vain in bed , much more vain than women .
37 she could n't even remember , she got so pissed up Christmas morning , she missed Christmas dinner I said come home and have Christmas dinner
38 He was so upset about Arabella , you see , he was n't thinking straight .
39 Lewis was so upset by accusations that he had let his fellow Welshmen win that his immediate reaction was to vow never to play again .
40 ANIMAL rights campaigner Vicki Moore was so upset by cruelty to cows and bulls during the festivities at Candelada , near Avila , Spain , that she wrote to the Prime Minister about it .
41 The correspondents expressed deep gratitude to Hannah — they were so inspired by her sublimely tranquil and uncomplaining acceptance of the kind of material deprivation considered unacceptable by modern society , so moved by her angelic demeanour and indomitable spirit , that they had been obliged to consider their own situation and concluded that their individual complaints about life were so paltry by comparison that their entire perspective had been changed .
42 How ironic that she felt so alive in Piers 's company , the one man who could shrug her off as carelessly as he would shrug off a few flecks of sand from his T-shirt .
43 Why , for instance , is the Michaelmas daisy so scarce in Birmingham ?
44 Food was so scarce in Derbyshire that the apprentices had to raid dustbins .
45 I 'm amazed that this country appears so stable as inflation , they say , has gone up 250% ( ! ) in the last 3 years and wages have only kept pace with about half of that , and only yesterday a newspaper posted on the canteen wall announced a massive corruption deal whereby the country 's leaders made 81 billion cruzeiros out of currency exchange .
46 Because the communities are so stable in relation to a centre which is largely in their imagination , it matters little whether in fact the real centre is itself actually in turmoil .
47 Things were so awful in Poland , in the Soviet Union .
48 She 's really quiet and she 's so shy with people . ’
49 She 's really quiet , and she 's so shy with people .
50 We 're so weak physically , so helpless with things .
51 She was just too trusting , and , somehow , she had felt so sorry for Peter .
52 I felt so sorry for Christine .
53 ‘ I felt so sorry for Lilian .
54 I know it 's silly , but I always feel so sorry for people who are compelled to steal . "
55 ‘ I 'm so sorry about Alexander , ’ she murmured .
56 A source tells us that one of the reasons SunSoft Inc has been so discreet about Spring and Project DOE ( Distributed Objects Everywhere ) object-oriented stuff , is that it does n't want Microsoft Corp to know too much .
57 His whole body tensed and his eyes were so hooded with desire she thought she would never be able to stop him .
58 It had been so self-evident to Dalgliesh that the squad would need a senior woman detective that he had devoted his energy to choosing the right one , rather than to speculating how well she would fit into the team .
59 How could life have originated in an atmosphere which — by today 's standards — seems so inimical to life ?
60 Could somebody please explain to me why it is that a project that was always highly speculative and which now looks like a near disaster should have been so profitable for investors ?
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