Example sentences of "so [adj] [coord] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 However , the atmosphere was so friendly and relaxed that it was n't long before we made lots of friends and , spurred on by the Animation Team , joined in the occasional game of volleyball or tennis — you can hire racquets and even have expert tuition if you want to improve on your technique .
2 For seventeen , he was big and heavily built , but the man who carried him was so tall and held his weight so easily that there was no doubt who he was .
3 This was more than two years after superior fighters had been added to the battle effort ; however , the P-40 was so strong and had the reputation of coming home even with severe damage .
4 I was so upset and shocked when I came to the hospital and you were gone I could of died .
5 He ended the tour so upset and disorganized that he had no plans for the summer holiday .
6 I was so elated and relieved I could have kissed them , but immediately felt ashamed that I 'd let them see my fear .
7 Both sides of the compartment were lined with machinery and metal boxes so crushed and mangled that their original function was incomprehensible .
8 But it was still a shock to see her like that , looking so old and spent . ’
9 I had to be told which character was Chaplin ; he was so old and looked nothing like the silent comic I knew so well .
10 He had searched the corridors but found only tools that were so old and rusted together they fell apart if he tried to use them .
11 If his father had n't been so bloody-minded and had let him use the family car , he would no doubt have gone down alone and come back next day , having called on some estate agent in Hadleigh or Sudbury and asked them to sell the house for him , the very one probably that he had gone to in the following year .
12 This was especially significant for a society in which demonic possession was so prevalent and feared .
13 No doubt he had not expected to become so popular and idolised .
14 Indeed , if neglected , a dog 's coat may become so tangled and matted that the poor creature will have to be anaesthetized in order to restore its coat to a good condition .
15 She had a lot of hair , but it was so tangled and matted it was impossible to determine the colour .
16 We disposed of the big fish first , not even so without difficulty ; for while some , like Ceylon and Jamaica , were islands , which was a good enough demarcation for rough and ready purposes , others , like the Indians or Nigerians , were not so unmistakable and quarrelled violently over who they were .
17 ‘ Prue ! ’ exclaims Howard , very pleased to hear the familiar impossible voice at such a moment , when he is feeling so raw and exposed from watching himself , and so uncertain whether he is a great man or a great fool .
18 Others , including the Queen herself , by her own later account , were happy that it was so French and had so little Iranian personality to it .
19 In addition , having listened repeatedly to the cassette he felt much happier in himself , realizing that the stammer which so embarrassed and distressed him was not going to prove incurable .
20 the complexity of company records , which are not only subject to mysterious , ( but relief-bringing ) disappearances down the corporation vortex , but when occasionally discovered are often so specialized and riddled with technical jargon that the average jurist finds them unintelligible — naturally corporate lawyers render them intelligible in ways which favour their clients ;
21 And she had looked so well since her marriage , so calm and composed and so Well , not matronly , at any rate , as wicked Lizzie Braithwaite had suggested .
22 He 's fantastic around the house , so calm and relaxed .
23 So different in every way , even in looks , so grave and contained , so full of contrary ideas , and , sometimes , so blunt in uttering them , yet himself so perilously elusive .
24 He says did n't realise it was so serious and sent him back to class with an ice pack .
25 How was it possible that in a single fraction of a second , and for the very first time , she discovered a motion of the arm and body so perfect and polished that it resembled a finished work of art ?
26 What I liked about it was that though it was biting sarcasm , the way he spoke it gave you the impression not of a man who was bitter in any way , but of a man who pitied the members of the government for being so rotten and pitied us for being governed by such scum .
27 Sam was so delighted and went round the room shaking hands , offering peace and cake .
28 ‘ I was so nervous and fatigued that I could n't concentrate .
29 I remember that morning vividly as I was so nervous and had n't been able to sleep much the night before .
30 The time had come and Ruth stood up , so nervous and overwrought she nearly dragged the damask tablecloth with her .
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