Example sentences of "so [conj] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I would s I would guess so or I would think so as well .
2 4.16 If you are handling cash , however small the amount , and you are not sure if there is an need for you to do so or you can think of an alternative method which will dispense with the need for you to carry cash in the course of your work , you should let your line supervisor know .
3 Do you know if such a list exists and if so where I might get hold of it ?
4 But they 've got very very poor eyesight so although they could sense where we were , as we stayed really really still they could n't see us so we were quite safe but er we could n't go any nearer than about ten yards from them erm because there were n't any suitable trees to climb in case they started to chase us .
5 So although one would seek to eradicate any sense of prejudice against employing mentally handicapped people , there is no justification for positive prejudice on behalf of the mentally handicapped .
6 So although he ca n't see this fox .
7 But it is only a short-term change , so although it may be necessary if long-term memory is to occur , it can not be the biochemical representation of that memory .
8 Also , cooling can produce spectral shifts in emission wavelength , so although it may have potential uses for geological applications where CL emission at room temperature is meagre , the full effects of cooling are at present poorly known and the technique can not be recommended as a regular practice for petrographic purposes .
9 So although you would have I do n't know but I I hope I 'm not sort of I really am trying to find out although you 'd have his coffin in the front room where you would be living
10 So although I 'd assume a potential audience of mainly women who 'd be interested in this topic , the programme actually distanced that audience by addressing a hypothetical man who 'd think it rather ‘ odd ’ to select women candidates at all .
11 As the discipline develops , the amalgamation of groups of practitioners having particular issues as central becomes clearer , so that one might even talk of specific ‘ schools ’ within the discipline .
12 In designing artificial defences the structures are made sufficiently strong to resist this type of wave , so that one might , therefore , expect closely jointed rocks to be susceptible to damage by clapotis as such rocks are the nearest approach to natural walls .
13 You have no idea of how much coal is needed to keep a small grate going so that one might cook . ’
14 In practice , however , these conditions are met on very rare occasions so that one might conclude that spatial differences in economic potential are unlikely ever to be equalised .
15 Also field independence increases with age , so that one would tend to predict better learning with grammatical approaches with older people .
16 So that one would come out then at erm just over a hundred pounds .
17 The secret is to be in touch with one 's own life experience so that one may value and appreciate the life experience of the other members of the group .
18 So that one 'll be six six over ten .
19 So that one will be s that 'll be seventy four , so in nineteen
20 Shamanism , he explained patiently for the three idiot Brits , was a primitive practice of self-denial so that one could travel in the land of the dead and return unscathed .
21 The Fen country around Coton was very flat , with water-filled dykes instead of hedges , and few trees , so that one could see long distances without the view being obstructed — ‘ right to the horizon , ’ Cheryl reported excitedly to her mummy in one of her letters home .
22 The kitchen was transformed with pine units cleverly designed to be fixed to the walls so that one could have them at the height best suited to whomever was to use them , and then the dishwasher was installed .
23 Burns triumphantly hijacks this image by extending the golden substance to the borders of manhood — ‘ a man 's a man for a ’ that' , so that one could properly ask for ‘ one man , one vote ’ .
24 There were fruit trees amongst the flowers , here a pear tree , there a currant bush , so that one could either smell a rose , crush a verbena , or eat a fruit ; there were borders of box , but also of sorrel and chibol ; and the stiff battalion of leeks , shallots , and garlic , the delicate pale-green foliage of the carrot , the aggressive steel-grey leaves of the artichokes , the rows of lettuce which always ran to seed too quickly .
25 For that matter , a computer catalogue could relate different demands together , so that one could find out what was in the collection in tape-slide format on the emigration of Cornish tin-miners to southern Wisconsin in the nineteenth century , suitable for advanced students in the sixth form ( ages 17–18 ) .
26 She stopped to look at the two houses , Brier and Rose , like identical twins wearing slightly different clothing so that one could tell them apart .
27 There was no distraction other than a poignant roll of rags in which a baglady scuffled , and snow fell so that one could almost smell the cold .
28 Just by glancing at the first chapter of the book you feel a sort of ‘ zing ’ that brings them together , so much so that one could never rate one higher than the other .
29 Erm and er it was er it was a ramp basically , er up here , so that one could run straight off that ramp , onto this flat truck .
30 The effect of the Famine in 1921–2 was far more crippling in the Volga provinces than in Tambov guberniia , so that one can argue either way as to whether it had a stimulating or depressing effect on the mettle of the Tambov Greens ; certainly in Samara and Saratov its vehemence blew out all hope of resistance .
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