Example sentences of "so [pron] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 With the Majorcan it was love or nothing so nothing it would have to be .
2 So I we would like to see erm tax incentives for investment in the equity of unquoted companies and we 'd also like to see gains tax incentives for the realization of those investments a when when they pay it off .
3 Well I I I do n't know , you know , how practical a scheme as wide ranging as that would be , so I I wo n't pretend to waffle .
4 So I I would erm you know , quite often get bags of clothes , and s we sorted them out , and give them to people with erm quite large families and erm we used to also get some for the tenants ' association for the jumble sales .
5 When it comes to really assist those who er of the so I I would be grateful if members would remember that this item is on the agenda because first of all petition received and secondly because there is no explanation in that not the time to discuss whether this application should be .
6 So I I would like to ask the meeting whether erm I suppose technically for advice on this topic .
7 I never buy it of fortnightly so I I 'll go to the shop and I 'll say , Right , probably seven tins of beans , seven tins of peas , er you know a few tins a few beans er tins of spaghetti and things like that you know , bits and bobs , but I 'll still get a joint for me Sundays .
8 So I I 'll move back a bit .
9 We auc we auctioned the books after as you know and erm so I I 'll have to make a new list of what 's left and let you have it .
10 Erm so I I 'll concentrate on those those
11 So I I 'll burn them .
12 There 's a lot of burglaries round I admit yeah , but there 's not much violence and drugs and things like that , so I I used to think it was good living round .
13 So I I 'd do it today
14 So I I 'd I , I do n't really want one !
15 And the fact that the person whom I appro I have approached about the project is erm does travel have meetings so which we can record .
16 Er , so which one shall we .
17 But basically as far as you are concerned you can get that sort of dividend yield , which is brilliant because i y as a tax-payer if you can te ten percent erm the , the fund is written as a unit trust and you 'd be paying seven you 'd be paid seven and a half percent on that one , so which one would you choose ?
18 So you we wo n't pay it automatically and if you do n't claim it and you 've missed it that 's I 'm afraid hard luck .
19 So you you would say that was a material factor in influencing possibly er which sector you would look at ?
20 So you you 'll already know how to change a sixth into twelfths do n't you ?
21 So you you might know some of these .
22 So you you will accept for number two just the two words you do n't want a sentence ?
23 And so er friends of ours , he 's got muscular dystrophy and he 's sort of in the same sort of and so we we 'll have a decrepit contingent , he and I will sort of and the two girls who are relatively young and healthy will go charging around and taking photographs and doing the tourist thing .
24 So we we 'll have a cup of tea in a minute .
25 So we we may have to pursue that further but there has been some progress after all this time and expenditure of money and and time .
26 So they what would that be
27 So it it would not be inconsistent er for a similar situation to apply here .
28 So it it 'd still sound
29 So it it can show you things how m many one piece and
30 So anyone who can offer timber — should contact The Shakespeare Globe Trust , Bear Gardens , Bankside , London SE1 9EE , 071 928 7710 .
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