Example sentences of "so [art] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 Brenda , I adore it , it 's me all over so the bathroom I had endless trouble , as you know , with Shirley I had to buy stuff and Shirley came in and I gave her little presents of this and that and helped her with cooking meals for her she re-grouted practically my bath tiles and my en suite tiles because we thought water was going through the wall , and it was and then I had to replace the where you take the plug out in the bath , I forget what you call that , the trap
2 So the message I think got through
3 So the question I am wondering is this : does the person Albie owed money to — the man behind Vinnie Dirkin — know who it was that killed him ?
4 So I was close by and so they sent me in so the way I , I got dressed up in the minister 's cassock , and I got in revised the books of Genesis , like through and I get genned up to be a minister and I took in a bible and er well anyway I killed five men and they got out alive .
5 So the ones I definitely know I 'm going to get appointments with , if I go and do that , I put myself into a comfort zone do n't I ?
6 So the Sierra I can do ready for you to take to Kevin on Fri Friday night is it ?
7 So the reason I asked that question is because I wanted to see if you were already thinking like an archaeologist .
8 So the reason I put Jasper Carrott up here is just to think for a moment , here 's somebody who 's obviously a really effective and great communicator .
9 The re the reason I bring this up , the reason I bring this up , you 've supported that in the past you know , they 've said , those in the you would agree with that , so the reason I bring this up is that if you we start off by offering a full service across the whole week .
10 So the time I spend with them would be more profitably employed here in the surgery . ’
11 So the point I 'm trying to make is that you ca n't rely on one product to do the whole job .
12 So the point I 'm making is that offspring will be prepared to make sacrifices under those conditions , where erm , the R is greater than C. But parents will want offspring to make sacrifices , wherever B is greater than C , and the parent is not concerned with the discount parameter R , but agreed on relatedness , because parents are equally related through their offspring .
13 So the point I 'm making to you is , is this .
14 And what happens is that if an embryo has the single gene for being male , it happens to have a white chromosome not surprisingly , it turns on thousands of other genes that then make the embryo into a male , but , but that single gene has to be there to act as a switch and that 's that gene is also present in alligators and crocodiles so the point I 'm making is it is just wrong to say that , that all these discoveries about genetics cut no ice with human evolution , because human things can not be influenced by single genes .
15 So the point I am making is that terms like reproductive success are purely quantitative , they 're wholly objective and scientific .
16 And so the point I 'm making is that , is that a modern insight into Darwinian evolution is based on a wholly scientific basis and social Darwinism may have got Darwinism a bad name by associating it with slogans like survival of the fittest , but modern Darwinism er is n't like that .
17 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
18 I got the dates wrong , it 's the thirtieth of may that 's two months after the end , so the amendment I 'm moving
19 so every fortnight I bought twenty pounds worth .
20 So every day I have been with my little man to see the Mass in the Royal Chapel , to hear the choir in the motet , which is always performed there .
21 All I 've had is two broken noses , so every year I keep passing my MOT while a lot of other lads fail on dodgy knees . ’
22 So every time I thought I was dropping off they 'd start .
23 as if I 'd only been half awake before so no wonder I could n't do anything . ’
24 Yesterday Splash said : ‘ I was going to the conference in Stornoway anyhow , so no doubt I might bump into him .
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