Example sentences of "so [pron] must [be] " in BNC.

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1 We employ people from up to 40 different countries and so everyone must be adaptable and able to work in a multi-national team .
2 And we the used to pick on a on some sort of a nice looking little boy or little girl to say the collection piece that was appealing and I ca n't remember what it was now but er probably about four verses of what they called a collection piece , just before they started to collect you see and erm I think I said that three or four years erm running almost , so I must been pretty well good at it .
3 So I must be somewhere on the edge of — of Steel City .
4 So I must be careful not to find out .
5 Yes , yes , well some of my , some of my best friends are sociologists , so I must be careful .
6 Erm , and I 've just asked John , so I must be now with , no I 've just asked Kim , so I must be now with Philip .
7 Erm , and I 've just asked John , so I must be now with , no I 've just asked Kim , so I must be now with Philip .
8 So she must be flashy for Purdy , devastatingly accurate for Roy .
9 So you must be relaxed to enable you to groove , but not so relaxed as to be too loose .
10 So you must be careful of what you say .
11 And yet he can watch the telly and he reads the newspaper and yet you do n't , he ca n't understand English but he 'd be watching this right and it is ha laugh so something must be funny but he du n no what 's happening .
12 ‘ And so we must be sane .
13 So we must be shared now this is the interesting thing which do you think is bigger , a a sixth or a third .
14 So we er we 'll time them so We must be terribly fair .
15 So we must be getting round to Sue 's question .
16 Erm , we 've just asked John so we must be now with Kim , are we ?
17 Now look we 've got a fish in there and a fish in there Tim so we must be careful now because otherwise we 're gon na hurt them .
18 So there must be a voltage control unit to cut the power supply if the voltage fails , and these units must also be tested .
19 So there must be another approach .
20 and so there must be order
21 So there must be doubt about the extent to which their revised choice marks a genuine readiness to profit from extra information about credit costs , rather than mere uncertainty .
22 Catholics are only angry because they feel threatened and so there must be some strength and force in what she is trying to say .
23 Erm so there must be somebody responsible and I think if , if we write swimming pool and people take their cans there
24 I think this idea that these magazines are read only by the young is totally wrong , er , elderly women go to the libraries and the Mills and Boon 's section is one of their favourite places , its got more stock there than any of the more serious fiction , so there must be something in it that is satisfying their need for romance perhaps .
25 So there must be a frictional force here , pulling the bottom of the ladder in .
26 It 's trying to slide down the wall , so there must be something pulling it up the wall , frictional force
27 So there must be something in it . ’
28 And so there must be an element of doubt over having updated from nineteen eighty one here to nineteen eighty nine .
29 Er I really ca n't accept that er general questionnaire responded to sixty five per cent twelve per cent of sixty five per cent of you will recognise and agree that changes were needed that are existing now erm and so there must be evidence as and when the erm district erm district erm .
30 They 've got one at cos I mean I went and had one so there must be one , another one
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