Example sentences of "so [pron] have done " in BNC.

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1 So I 've done er community work for a long time .
2 So I 've done that .
3 So we need to carry on from there , so I 've done the A times A and the A times minus B. Now we start with the minus B times each other , so what does give ?
4 So I 've done all this , I 'm quite a handyman in the house , so we talked about it at the cen at the centre here and we actually asked another guy to do it , who 's erm sixty odd and he comes in here everyday er and he was willing to start it or to run it .
5 So I 've done a variety of jobs , and I 'm not quite sure how I ended up doing what I 'm doing I got into computers by accident , just being in the wrong place at the wrong time .
6 So I 've done it now , I was doing a load of painting .
7 And so I 've done that
8 So I 've done nothing today , I have n't even done one load of washing
9 So I 've done the sums roughly it comes to a hundred and ninety pounds per month repayment .
10 So I 'm gon na be back , like a week , you think they 'd make it a bit more so I 've done most of
11 Well the farmers for the last couple of years have been arguing that they want this green rate devalued er to try and bring it line more with the market rate er and what this would do would er increase our guaranteed prices in this country and in fact on Friday this happened er the green rate was devalued by 60%. er and so I 've done a few calculations er and for the farmers that are listening and er may understand this er if he was selling his grain in November 89 he would be getting about £99 a ton , whilst if he sells it in November this year he 'll be getting £110 a ton .
12 it were half past twelve , so I 'd done
13 From the many letters I receive I know how popular my teddy patterns have become and so I have done two special seasonable designs , this one depicting a teddy pulling a sledge full of gifts and for the next issue two teddies … well , perhaps you had better buy the magazine to find out for yourself !
14 And so I have done something from a plane .
15 So she had done it .
16 So you 're dealing with a fifty one year old lady , she 's never been in trouble , has no previous convictions , a lady , Sir , who divorced in nineteen seventy six , she brought three children up single-handedly and so she has done all she can , er often at great personal sacrifice , to ensure the best financial stability and the best emotional support for her children .
17 So you 've done me a favour , you see .
18 So you 've done C.
19 So you 've done is rewritten your equation ,
20 So you 've done your key tasks , you then write down exactly what they are and then prioritize them , so you got training need not very good at answering the telephone what are ya gon na do ?
21 So you 've done a transport poems
22 So you 've done , you got that f and and f the the the these f's and s's , you 've done the u v's where the letters are actually changed .
23 So you 've done ten pallets , what 's happening with that ten pallet ?
24 So you 've done all your Christmas shopping have you ?
25 So you 've done the rounds tonight then Brian ?
26 So you 've done an interview and the question is , ‘ Well , yes but , what do you feel about this , this food outbreak ?
27 You you so you have done some part of the integration ?
28 So we 've done our what we should do , now we 're giving the ladies full consideration first with the gentlemen .
29 So we 've done back .
30 So we 've done our materials , let's do our what sort of buildings did they make .
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