Example sentences of "his [noun sg] that there " in BNC.

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1 I agree with his decision that there was not enough evidence for all the reasons that the Minister has given .
2 With all respect to the judge I do not agree with his finding that there was no uncertainty in the English law on this point .
3 By a notice of appeal dated 6 September 1991 the solicitors appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong in law in holding that ( a ) under section 6(2) of the Act of 1986 the court had jurisdiction to order any person other than the contravener who appeared to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention of section 3 of the Act to repay to investors sums paid by them to Pantell and ( b ) under section 61(1) of the Act the court had jurisdiction to order any person other than the contravener who appeared to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention of any rules , regulations or provisions referred to in that section to repay to investors sums paid by them to Pantell ; ( 2 ) the court had no jurisdiction under sections 6(2) and 61(1) to award claims for compensation for loss against persons knowingly concerned in such contraventions in contrast to sections 6(3) to ( 7 ) and sections 61(3) to ( 7 ) ; ( 3 ) the judge was wrong in law in holding that ( a ) the power of the court under section 6(2) to order a person knowingly concerned in the contravention to take such steps as the court might direct for restoring the parties to the transaction to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into and ( b ) the power of the court under section 61(1) to order a person knowingly concerned in the contravention of the rules , regulations or provisions referred to in that section to take such steps as the court might direct to remedy it included power to make a financial award against such person directing payment by that person to individual investors of sums equivalent to the amounts paid by such investors pursuant to the said transaction , neither subsection empowering the court to order restitution by the repayment of moneys outside the possession or control of the person concerned ; and ( 4 ) the judge erred in law ( a ) in his construction of sections 6(2) and 61(1) in failing to have regard to the principle ‘ generalibus specialia derogant , ’ in particular in holding that there could exist within each of sections 6 and 61 two parallel powers to order financial redress at the suit of the plaintiff , one derived from sections 6(3) and 6(4) and sections 61(3) and 61(4) respectively , which was subject to the limitations set out in those and subsequent subsections , and the other derived from section 6(2) and section 61(1) , which was subject to no such limitations ; ( b ) in rejecting the submission that sections 6 and 61 were essentially procedural and did not create new substantive legal rights and remedies ; and ( c ) in failing to have regard to the fact that the orders sought under paragraphs 11 and 13 of the prayer to the amended statement of claim required payment to the plaintiff or alternatively into court of moneys recovered thereunder from the solicitors despite the absence of any provisions for such orders in the Act , his dismissal of the summons being inconsistent with his finding that there was no provision in sections 6(2) or 61(1) directing payment into court and that any order under the sections would have to direct repayment of the sum paid to each individual investor who had made the original payment .
4 At his trial , the judge rejected his submission that there was no case to answer in that the goods had been sold under a contract between the customer and the shop and that there had been no appropriation of property belonging to another .
5 Noam Chomsky argues in his chapter that there is no evidence to support the view that human language is designed for communication ( in the sense that it is the product of Darwinian evolution ) .
6 He has made up his mind that there was a Big Bang and that is that .
7 In the cases of indirect wording , for example , the testator had not stated that he intended X to be a trustee for Y. None the less he had made his intention that there should be a legal relationship between them plain , and the jurists validated the disposition by construing it as a trust .
8 His insistence that there would be no lengthy liberal democratic interregnum , but instead a fusing of the two revolutions , was belatedly accepted by Lenin only after the February 1917 revolution .
9 All religions , according to Gandhi , are different roads to the same goal and it is his contention that there will always be a variety of religions corresponding to different human temperaments and environments .
10 His conclusion that there was no duress where the defendant could only put pressure on the plaintiff by the institution of proceedings , to which proceedings there would have been available the defence which ultimately prevailed , was , in my view , unimpeachable since there is ample authority for the view that a mere threat of action does not per se constitute duress .
11 The hon. Member for Newry and Armagh will be aware from his constituency that there have been problems with the preliminary investigations .
12 In the process his demand that there be no further large scale immigration infuriated the Foreign Secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , who retorted : ‘ I do not need any education on the importance of strict immigration control for entry into this country . ’
13 The gun was a revolver , however , and it did fire , killing V. The Court of Appeal held that D might properly be convicted if his belief that there was no danger of the gun firing was formed in a criminally negligent way .
14 Thus suppose , to take a less bloodthirsty example , that Pooh 's desire for honey makes his belief that there 's some in the cupboard cause him to go to the cupboard to get it .
15 When Pooh is shown the honey , he does n't get his belief that there 's honey from Rabbit .
16 And yet … she thought of Officer Hassan and his belief that there had been skulduggery in the case of Wolfgang Klein .
17 While Hewitt 's decision to use this term is based partly on his belief that there is no characteristic variety of English used solely by ethnic Caribbeans , it is also motivated by the lack of symbolic meaning attached to this variety : it was not the case that the London English of young blacks took on any specialized symbolic meaning of race or ethnicity .
18 In defence of his claim that there was ‘ no evidence to suggest that people are prepared to abandon their traditional party allegiances ’ , Stott pointed out that in two recent elections , candidates supported by the Campaign for Labour Representation polled badly :
19 Instantly , she recognised from his voice that there was something seriously wrong with her brother .
20 The 1901 President of the National Free Church Council was only pointing to the obvious when he told his audience that there was throughout the country and Empire ‘ an irresistible movement towards co-operation , combination , collectivism , solidarity , centralisation …
21 ‘ When , in answer to his assumption that there was to be an early wedding , I asked what was going round the grapevine now , he told me it was pure speculation on his part , stemming from the fact that you 'd just handed in your resignation . ’
22 The main reasons for this are due to the fact that what Freud meant by ‘ sexuality ’ is much wider in its connotations than genital intercourse between a male and a female , and also partly due to his assertion that there is no basic sociability , no herd instinct , in men .
23 These general truths culminate in a final illumination , an ultimate discovery , brought back by Proust from his exploration of time , intellect , memory , and this discovery , this final illumination , is I think his assertion that there exists an extra-temporal and infinitely potent reality which only great art can express .
24 Nancy Tait attacked Professor McDonald 's stature as an independent witness , dismissing his statement that there was no risk to the Quebec community even where there were mountains of asbestos waste by citing a new state investigation that found almost 60 per cent of asbestos industry workers had abnormal X-rays .
25 But he repeated his promise that there would be extra help for poor pensioners and families on income support to assist them in meeting increased heating bills .
26 Chisholm considers various objections to his thesis that there is a non-comparative use of ‘ appears white ’ which expresses what is directly evident ( and therefore true ) .
27 My hon. Friend quoted from the Cumberlege report in support of his proposition that there should be a limited extension of prescribing from doctors to nurses .
28 Finally he pointed out to his mother that there were but two keys to the room and the Shills had one each .
29 His view that there is no reality other than minds or spirits , and their ideas , was taken to be scepticism run riot .
30 To justify his view that there are ways in which things might have been different while at the same time avoiding voluntarism , Poulantzas argues that there are two sources of valid counterfactuals .
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