Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [noun prp] had " in BNC.

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1 His sister Elizabeth had preferred not to attend the ceremony for fear of appearing to condone his alliance with one of her housemaids , and the Bradfords ' staff had been equally disapproving of one of their number presuming to move up into such illustrious circles .
2 1846 , after all , was the year when first his father and then his sister Caroline had died .
3 It was in a fold of high ground on the northern borders of the vale that William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy had recently taken up residence in a red-brick mansion called Racedown Lodge , a house combining Georgian elegance and merchant stolidity , and quite likely to be , as tradition asserts , the original of Sir Walter Elliot 's Kellynch Hall in Jane Austen 's Persuasion .
4 Before any of this reached the Exchequer Edward was dead and his sister Mary had waived her right to all but the two fifteenths and tenths .
5 At the time of his resignation Miyazawa had stated that an aide , Tsuneo Hattori , had purchased the shares without informing him of the transaction .
6 The day before his election Kim had presided over the 18th plenary session of the sixth Korean Workers ' Party central committee which approved the appointment of Choe Kwang and Han Song Yong to the politburo .
7 He suggested that in the days before his election Yeltsin had had to clarify and adjust his policy on a number of key issues , but commented : " If he is playing political games , then perhaps we are in for difficult times . "
8 Mr Nutting added : ‘ Grenfell admitted that in his presence Vernage had often said ‘ All I want is to kill a copper ’ .
9 After all James was of the Stewart dynasty , so called because his ancestor Robert had been High Steward of Scotland , and had succeeded to the throne on the death of David II in 1371 .
10 Prior to announcing his candidacy Bush had on Feb. 6 unveiled a health care package which was designed to overhaul the US health system and to win back the initiative on what was widely perceived to be an important electoral issue .
11 On his return Churchill had to endure several difficult Cabinet meetings , and threats of resignation from Salisbury and Crookshank .
12 Prior to his dismissal Garrett had commissioned Vander Schaaf to investigate allegations that the Navy 's own investigation of the matter had been less than thorough .
13 The Council of Orléans in 549 was summoned by Childebert I , and it confirmed the creation in Lyons of a xenodochium , or hostel , which the king and his queen Ultrogotha had founded .
14 Of course , it was because he 'd felt sorry for her , but whatever his motive Sarah had been pleased and grateful .
15 One of the company commanders there had died of pneumonia , and it was his place Montague had to take .
16 As his crew Edwards had chosen the experienced Ramsay as navigator and Sergeant Gerald Quinn as gunner .
17 Middleton said his friend David had called for him at 10pm on the night the bank was broken into and asked him to drive a car to Jedburgh .
18 Bennet and his wife Jane had two sons and six daughters .
19 The photographer and his wife Jane had been about to go through into the concert hall when Leeson saw Lowell standing on his own .
20 He and his wife Sarah had four sons .
21 Patrick Greg Malkin was the centre of attention when Chris and his wife Christina had their first child Christened at Holy Name Church , Oxton , Birkenhead .
22 RAF corporal John Williams and his wife Selina had told the court they 'd seen cocks fighting … as they drove past the layby .
23 He and his wife Phillippa had four sons and two daughters .
24 Both he and his wife Margery had a long association with the Lake District .
25 His wife Anna had it valued after he died aged 85 earlier this year .
26 He and his wife Charlotte had been in their early forties when they had married six years before .
27 His wife Hillary had to apologise for suggesting in a magazine article that Mr Bush had an adulterous affair .
28 His wife Margaret had n't been there ; she 'd gone to a meeting of her rock garden club .
29 The court had heard how his wife Margaret had woken in their house at 3 a.m. to find her husband crouching over her bed with what amounted to a home made gas chamber .
30 A week before the overdose his wife Mary had left him and taken their two children with her .
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