Example sentences of "his [noun] but [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He offered his resignation but it was turned down by Mr Major .
2 He had admitted that she was n't in his heart but she was nevertheless in his life .
3 Morrissey is always taking off his shirt but he is also proudly and publicly chaste .
4 ‘ She said she does n't want his money but she hopes it wo n't be the ruination of Kate , ’ said Sarah .
5 ‘ Son of Thatcher ’ may have provided a holding position in the first days after his election but it has no life left in it .
6 Of course , the real reason is that 900 of his constituents work at Rothmans and he fears for his majority but he ca n't bring himself actually to say so .
7 We could sell his story but we could never make money from other people 's suffering … ’
8 ‘ As far as giving advice is concerned , the debt lawyer is extremely useful in his field but I do n't really feel our other lawyer is in a position to help .
9 Top weight and soft ground proved his undoing but he ran an absolute cracker to finish third to Sibton Abbey .
10 He can get away with his accent but he could do a lot to improve his tone .
11 They did not like his presence but he found little difficulty in scaring them off , or evading them if they tried to mob him , and the food in these places was plentiful .
12 Antony has got a temporary cap on one of his teeth but he 's had it about twice really .
13 David Damiani said nothing for several seconds after finishing his narrative but he opened up a battered suitcase and produced from it his old pale brown British Palestine passport and opened the document on page six .
14 Once his head began to fall onto his chest but he jerked it up again .
15 She pushed her hands against his chest but he held her effortlessly , laughing down into her upturned face .
16 Fear spurted up into his mouth but he managed to hold the gaze , eye to eye .
17 There was blood on his mouth but he kept smiling because he had the machine-gun .
18 Graham still bore the mental scars of his tragedy but he had proved to be an excellent operative and Philpott had no intention of letting him go .
19 He knew that he could have carried the coffee into the comparative serenity of his study but he had n't the courage to get to his feet .
20 I says no I 'm his brother-in-law but I know all his details and I said , he was n't here !
21 We push his legs but they buckle at the knees , so we have to hold them up above our heads as we push to make them stay straight , then as we shove and his trousers are rolled down by the rim of stone , his arms flop over the far side of the shaft rim and it suddenly gets easier to push him .
22 down into his arteries and we ca n't get anything down there so they 're blocked , but he said how the hell he survived that op I do n't know he said they could 've done more with his legs but it meant another hour and a quarter minutes in surgery , and he said he 'd had enough we could n't have kept him on the table a minute longer so he said all we can do is wait , so now mum said well he 's alright in intensive care , he 's responding well , getting over the operation well , but what we was worried about was him breathing on his own , had he , had he been you see , anyway he said this on er Thursday
23 yes you are His tail now when it 's down it 's still down between his legs but it 's li it 's limp is n't it ?
24 When he 'd finished at the sink I came out and wound myself lovingly around his legs but he shut me in the kitchen .
25 Maybe he had proved to himself that he had recovered his nerve but he had had to hold on very tight at that moment when she had broken .
26 Jean-Claude may have had artistic integrity on his side but he did not have a legal leg to stand on .
27 Henry 's mother hardly left his side but he improved and at 8pm on 31 March she went to have something to eat , leaving her son playing in the doorway of his room .
28 They were meant to be for his weight but I 'm not sure I believe that .
29 At one point there was real concern about his future but he is now back and playing better than when he was first picked by England . ’
30 He did not tell his parents because he knew they would try to change his mind but he confided in a colleague at work .
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