Example sentences of "his [noun] be of " in BNC.

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1 The fact that Alexander , who unquestionably plays the role of assistant villain , had the radio in his cabin is of no significance .
2 Thomas Bewick of Newcastle was the pioneer and perhaps the greatest exponent of this art ; his History of British Birds of 1797–1804 was a splendid example of what could be done , although his text was of no scientific significance .
3 According to Mr Abbell , his case is of interest only because of the nature of his clients .
4 But what there is clearly indicates that his family was well-to-do , and that his upbringing was of a kind available only to those with status and financial resources .
5 But the books a writer fails to write in his adolescence are of a different nature from the books he fails to write once he has announced his profession .
6 Amazingly , his talk was of going back to ravaged Yugoslavia soon to carry on reporting the bloody civil war .
7 As has been said above , the Prime Minister seldom worries if the Opposition is opposing — his fear is of losing those voters who usually support his party .
8 HIS grip is of iron , his political skill is legendary .
9 His shoes were of a brilliant and gleaming tan .
10 His well-being is of even higher importance to Scotland now that Peter Dods , such an admirable understudy with 23 caps , had decided to call it a day .
11 Farnaby is at his best as a miniaturist ; his fantasias are of little account but such tiny gems as ‘ Giles Farnaby 's Dream ’ , ‘ His Rest ’ , ‘ Farnaby 's Conceit ’ and ‘ His Humour ’ are unique , and he was also a master of the art of variation-writing .
12 Mr Geddes added that his group was of the view that the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , had failed to consult the Scottish people about water privatisation and was pursuing the matter in spite of it not being included in the Conservative election manifesto .
13 A constable who in the course of patrolling sees something which in his opinion is of a suspicious character , should satisfy himself one way or the other before proceeding to work the remaining portion of his ground .
14 ‘ I 'm obliged to Teddy Hargreaves , but his opinion is of supreme indifference to me .
15 Moreover , the thin weal of the scar along his cheek was of a kind to tell its own story .
16 His cry was of frustration .
17 Paul had plenty but as , owing to a fixed and completely unbreakable appointment with the F.G.Y. , he was not going on the tour , his ideas were of no consequence .
18 His imagination was of the refrigerating sort from which the fantasies of boyhood can step with convincing freshness ; and it was this quality , no doubt , that made the stories the instant and almost embarrassing success that they were .
19 He wore the usual faded , dun-coloured every-day clothes of the peasant and labourer , coarse woollen chausses and short homespun tunic , with a capuchon pushed back from his head and dangling at his back ; but the belt that circled his hips was of finely-tooled leather , and had straps to attach both sword and dagger , though he wore neither ; and his boots were knee-high , and also of soft leather , no doubt hand-worked somewhere in Wales , from native deerskin .
20 Moreover , the pupil or student equally has questions , especially if his assignment is of an open-ended kind , or if his teacher has included ( as one hopes he increasingly will ) the objectives of developing autonomy and self-confidence in research in his instructional design .
21 Roger Sweeney 's book will enable anyone contemplating adding a snake of the genus Thamnophis to their collection to avoid all the common pitfalls , his knowledge being of the practical sort gleaned from his position as livestock manager at Surrey-based Birdworld .
22 Spit and polish and the mindless regime of kit preparation have never been guiding principles in the Light Division ; nonetheless , each recruit takes a pride in his appearance and is at pains to ensure that his turnout is of the highest standard .
23 ‘ They suggest his feelings are of aggression towards her . ’
24 Many of his paintings were of dogs , generally in humorous and sentimental situations .
25 In many cases the necessity for a contemnor to be informed of his rights is of the highest importance .
26 I could see his flesh was of that dense-celled compactness black people have , quite a different material from ours .
27 There was nothing shabby or worn about the close-fitting blue coat or the buckskin breeches ; and the starched neckcloth — no longer as neat as it might have been — and the ruffles to his shirt-sleeves were of the finest linen .
28 His father was of Irish descent and his mother 's parents were of Scottish and English origin .
29 Mr Christie stressed that his appointment was of a temporary nature , saying that the agreement reached in the Court of Session last week had required a fifth ‘ independent ’ director to be appointed to ensure that all shareholding interests were properly represented .
30 His lordship is of the view , as indeed I am myself , that while Father is allowed to continue with his present round of duties , he represents an ever-present threat to the smooth running of this household , and in particular to next week 's important international gathering . ’
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