Example sentences of "his [noun] [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 Do you wish to compete or do you not ? ’ he grated , turning to keep his eyes on his sister as she circled him expertly .
2 She had written about Felipe and his genius and she was very pleased with the way she had ended her article .
3 He had admitted that she was n't in his heart but she was nevertheless in his life .
4 She could hear the beating of his heart and she closed her eyes , thankful for his presence for she could not bear to be alone , not now , not yet .
5 He went back to counting objections off on his fingers before she could reply .
6 He grabbed greedily at her full breasts with both hands , squeezing them fiercely , but their plump oiliness just slipped through his fingers until she was free .
7 He reached out casually as she turned to go , and caught her hand in his , letting it slip very gradually away from his fingers as she moved back .
8 She gave a little laugh , to indicate that this was foolishness on his part and she was not anxious herself .
9 He 'd discarded his trousers and was unfastening his shirt when she realised she was staring .
10 Somehow she managed to grab hold of his shirt and she shouted out her resistance .
11 Her tears were wetting his shirt and she lifted her hand , wiping at her wet cheeks and smoothing the white shirt thoughtlessly , trying to make it dry .
12 He dropped back down to his cabin while she changed .
13 Carrington was lying on his bunk , fully clothed , and he told himself afterwards that he had known she was outside his cabin before she touched the handle .
14 ‘ She said she does n't want his money but she hopes it wo n't be the ruination of Kate , ’ said Sarah .
15 Perhaps he 'd come to tell her he 'd changed his mind about his decision that she was to be his ‘ girlfriend ’ until Travis was over her , she mused , and , since courtesy cost nothing , she invited him in .
16 As her silence lengthened a muscle flexed in his jaw and she saw a flicker of murderous rage in his eye for one instant .
17 After half a minute , however , the tenderness still engulfing her compelled her to move closer , the satin softness of her curls slithering across his skin as she touched him gently with her lips , touch becoming kiss as a wave of simple love for him washed through her .
18 A great looker , and he may have shown his admiration because she had ducked her dark head in mock embarrassment and given him the slowest smile as she had moved away .
19 Then she caught her breath at the evidence of his arousal , but he stayed so still that , fascinated , she touched him , and felt the jerk of his response as she stroked and encircled his warm , hard flesh in an investigation that was both shy and bold .
20 Thrilled to the core by his admission that she disturbed and aroused him , she was at the same time terrified .
21 Gina flashed him a bright , insincere smile , wanting nothing more than to escape from his presence before she betrayed the kind of emotions which would embarrass both of them .
22 She could hear the beating of his heart and she closed her eyes , thankful for his presence for she could not bear to be alone , not now , not yet .
23 She would have danced on his grave if she could .
24 With a little grunt , he returned to his cooking and she regretted her abrupt refusal .
25 Jinny saw him move his head and look at his watch and she called softly , ‘ Sorry I 'm late .
26 It was supremely indifferent , but , even as it burned into her like acid , her fingers were plunging into the midnight darkness of his hair as she invited his kiss again , the tumult of his mouth on hers and in it already a necessity , wildness running in her veins , the heavy aching beat of desire unchecked at the deep core of her womanhood .
27 He rubbed his fingers through his hair and she could tell he was anxious .
28 Lindsey strained backwards , her hands against his chest as she tried to push away from him .
29 Vitor 's kiss took the whole of her erect nipple into his mouth and she stirred , made restless by the insistent tweak of an invisible wire which seemed to go directly from her breasts to the pulsing nerve-cluster between her thighs .
30 All sorts of alarming sensations rioting in the pit of her stomach , she mumbled incoherently against his mouth as she tried to arch closer , only to be thwarted by the fork handle .
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