Example sentences of "his [noun] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl remained on close terms throughout his life : his early letters to her and to a Salzburg cousin , Anna Maria Thekla ( ‘ the Bäsle ’ , as he called her ) are full of juvenile high spirits , spiced with an earthy , often indelicate sense of humour , while his later letters to his sister show a touching solicitude for the state of her health and spirits .
2 There is , perhaps , especially strong confirmation that the verb and adjective properties are immediately bound together in the fact that there is no coherent way to question either the adjective or the verb alone while leaving the other in place ; we can not , for example , have : ( 24 ) what should I do to the string longer ? ( 25 ) how did his sister set the owl ?
3 And sentences ( 26 ) , even if acceptable : ( 26 ) what did his sister set the owl ? how did Liz knock her fiancè ? would give us questions not corresponding to the types of statement in ( 1 ) or ( 14 ) .
4 Like them , he was no spiritualist , though his sister followed the cult .
5 His sister married a butcher who was a member of a family which kept a shop as a front for dealing in stolen goods .
6 He waved frantically , and his sister did the same .
7 Stephen 's remarks must have carried across the room , but his sister showed no reaction to the conversation .
8 He fumbled about on the table , felt in the pockets of the odorous hawk-training jacket which hung on the back of the door , told his sister to try the cupboard .
9 However , if one tries to envelop the noun phrase and the adjective in a single question , then , on the one hand , the result will usually or always be grammatical , because the verbs occurring in this construction can of course stand as ordinary transitive verbs , but , on the other , the question form will naturally be taken as related to the ordinary transitive verb with a simple noun phrase object — with a corresponding alteration in the meaning expressed ; ( 23 ) is an attempt to put such a question : ( 23 ) his sister set the owl free what did his sister set ? to which suitable answers could include the mousetrap or the first four questions .
10 His epithets include The One Who Dispels Darkness , a reference to his appearance as the light which preceded the sun as it rose .
11 For , poverty crushing , his mother nagging , he was made to swallow his pride , his hope to become a motor mechanic .
12 But there are signs that not all his contemporaries saw the relationship in such simple terms .
13 Where modern biologists see Darwin 's theory as the expression of a new awareness of the fragility of natural relationships , his contemporaries extracted a very different message from it .
14 Vlaminck always insisted that he was the first to have ‘ discovered ’ African or Negro sculpture ( and he and his contemporaries used the term ‘ art negre ’ generically to cover not only African but also Polynesian art and indeed any tribal art at all that came their way ) and his claim was to pass into legend , although Gauguin himself possibly owned examples of African as well as Polynesian sculpture .
15 His banners are black and his standard-bearer carries a totem — a skull cased in gold on top of a golden lance . ’
16 Manager Geoff Cooke and his coaches had the look of men unashamedly glad South Africa are not here on a longer tour because the Boks are getting better by the minute .
17 He was doing his bit to save the world .
18 JOHN Major is poised to do his bit to make the world a safer place in 1993 .
19 And Johnny 's doing his bit to introduce the youngsters to the animal kingdom …
20 ACTOR Tom Conti is doing his bit to help the ailing economy by buying only British goods .
21 The winger , who last Friday withdrew a transfer request , scored the equaliser and generally did his bit to rally the troops .
22 Not surprisingly , his enthusiasm knew no bounds .
23 However one of the youngsters at the back in his enthusiasm to reach the water tripped and fell over the one in front and this started a chain reaction in the column and the entire orderly procession landed at the bottom in a tangle of webbed feet and flapping wings .
24 He was almost running along the pier past the Tartar Frigate Inn , such was his enthusiasm to begin the cooking lesson , with a large lobster tucked absent-mindedly under his arm .
25 This change of career was prompted by his enthusiasm to study the Pacific .
26 Carter had advocated deregulation , but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action .
27 Its agency reporter was refused an extension of his residence permit and his successor denied a visa .
28 His successor displayed no great competence for the job even though he had been a member of the House for twenty-four years and had successfully met the demands of peer review to achieve major leadership posts in the legislature .
29 But there was nothing conservative about the way in which Louis and his successor exploited the bishop of Clermont 's complaints against the count of the Auvergne to secure a foothold in the county ; it was their preparatory work that made possible Philip Augustus ' annexation of the Auvergne to the royal demesne .
30 Despite President Suharto 's discouragement of such speculation [ see p. 36933 ] , the possibility of his retirement and the identity of his successor following the 1993 presidential elections remained a major topic of discussion in the latter part of 1989 and in early 1990 .
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