Example sentences of "we never [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 and we never knew the name of the game .
2 We have to act like we never knew the man , understand ? ’
3 I think people felt we were aiming for this point , but we never had the opportunity to do it before .
4 We never had the chance to feel lonely .
5 We never had the sack .
6 We never had the money for such things , ’ Nora replied .
7 We never left the country , we never embraced the armed struggle .
8 I do n't know of any boxing match that 's ever captured the interest of people and it was that night , course we never heard the result , not until we got to Egypt , you there was no wireless you see , you did n't know what was happening at all .
9 We never heard the last from Mum about God 's bounty from the vegetable garden ; it made Dad seem like some kind of honorary clergyman .
10 Well we never heard the name shop steward in those days I do n't think they went that far , there was somebody in charge sort of thing but erm they er got the na the name afterwards I think you know shop steward , but er and then they used to be Miss used to have the garden fetes the garden parties on her lawn , that was for the Liberal Party you see as soon Labour was mentioned there were only Tories and Liberals at that time and er we used to , when there was an election er we used to wait up for the results and then if the Liberals got in Squires ' big bell would be rung if it was twelve o'clock at night or one o'clock in the morning the Squires ' big bell would be rung you see , to say who 'd got in , if the Tories got in it was n't rung because it was a , Squires were Liberals , strong Liberals and er they used to attend the Liberal Club at Shortheath but erm there used to be some fun in those er what 's the name parade if the Liberals got in and dances you know to raise money for the various things , and the garden fetes used to be lovely but er on their lawn .
11 We never receive the impression that Dickens has to struggle with the English language to express his meaning .
12 I hope that we never reach the position that I have sometimes , although not often , met in my constituency , when I have received a phone call from a private home to the effect that it could no longer keep a patient who had perhaps become doubly incontinent .
13 Until we are ‘ poor in spirit ’ we never recognize the riches that God has to give us .
14 and that was the only one night we never took the video camera with us
15 Our pens were collected up at the end of each session , so we never got the same pen twice , resulting in the nibs being frequently crossed .
16 ‘ We 'd been beavering away on Imaginary for a while but we never got the success we deserved through limited resources .
17 We never got the a/c you promised .
18 Er Zain has tried to ring , I have tried to ring , we have had no you know , we never got the person in .
19 No we never got the fire engine out we just er we just when we got
20 We never get the credit The public do n't
21 Even in the morning you know just talks about it all the while and then we never get the work actually started or finished .
22 with her really , we never get the chance to , but she is always on her own , none of the other three , if you look , never
23 American musicians who came over here , like Tom Paxton or Paul Simon , usually played Martin Dreadnoughts ; we never saw the 00 or 000 sizes .
24 Lorne tried chanting a few limericks over and over , but we never saw the eels again , though we dived there often .
25 So effectively we 're paying , whilst we never use the typing pool or the plan print room , we 're paying a proportion of those costs on a per capita basis
26 The company own the yacht , we never use the damn thing .
27 Charles says : ‘ We never understood the whole title business .
28 It 's like we never let the dog in .
29 The moor can be a very pleasant place on a bright spring day , and we never found the work tedious .
30 All the Ministry of Defence would say last night was : ‘ We never discuss the SAS . ’
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