Example sentences of "we can [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Although CD-A has only been available commercially since 1983 , we can estimate its likely performance over ten years and use a mix of actual and projected penetrations in our analysis .
2 If we do not turn up for work , we are likely to get the sack , but in our private worlds we can dream our lives away at home , church or play .
3 We must do everything we can to restore her sight but there is no guarantee the operations will be successful . ’
4 Before we see how the enclosure commissioners replanned the landscape of central England , and how we can identify their work today , it is necessary to say something briefly about the dating of the parliamentary enclosure movement as a whole .
5 Our personas will be more or less realistic depending on how well we can identify their prototypes , and how linguistically adept we are at mimicking them .
6 We can speak our minds then and there — being honest but not destructive .
7 ‘ And then we thought , well maybe we can bluff our way through when people start reading into it . ’
8 Confronted with a bronze picture , we can locate its image on the relevant computer screen and , having read its precise history , proceed to learn about tableware in general , the social system of Pompeii , and even the precise recipes of the time .
9 If she grows up bright and interesting we can renew our acquaintance , a discrezione .
10 And I might be able to bring down Rosa for a bit during the summertime so we can renew our friendship .
11 Properly discounting the three notorious rescue cases , we can cite its performance along with the Spanish , American , French and Italian examples as evidence to bear out the theoretical expectation that industrial co-operatives should perform at least as well as conventionally organised businesses ; and that the extra that Co-operation has to offer as an ingredient necessary to full success , a potential in motivation , is indeed available to help industrial co-operatives out-perform conventional businesses .
12 Science exists so that we can improve our understanding of naturally occurring phenomena .
13 We can improve our ability to understand our horse if we can gradually train ourselves to observe it more intently , and to see in what situations and in what context different sounds , movements , and behaviour are used .
14 At any stage in life , we can improve our relationship with others by learning to be aware and to communicate .
15 ‘ But I am also keen to hear from anyone who has suggestions to make on how we can improve our environmental impact .
16 For , in theory at least , if we can improve our standards of communication , we can enrich our personal lives and improve our professional performance .
17 As for the question of partnership and friendship in the 1990s , the joint declaration that we signed sets out a series of bases on which we can improve our relationship with Russia .
18 We can regard his clear statement as a hypothesis that can be empirically tested ( and not a ‘ tenuous abstraction ’ , as Lass , 1980 : 121 , views it ) , and our own investigation ( as reported so far ) as empirical testing of his claim .
19 We can paint our images from many influences but they arrive here in Britain today .
20 So each week we can plot our , our value where this is one , somewhere down here is nought and we would hope to er , eventually get to a situation where our planned performance was somewhere near one so we would be pardon ?
21 We can stand their cruelty .
22 Most of us are back to normal by Tuesday , however , because we can advance our body clock , even if with some difficulty .
23 We can give our troops the means to make that call .
24 That kind of confidence and pride in their roots is the most important thing we can give our kids . ’
25 My hon. Friend should bring with him members of the NRA so that they can provide best advice on how we can give our river back to the people of Dartford .
26 We need bold headline posters in colour to identify what sections they represent so that we can give our members activist up to date information in advance of other comp competition and other unions .
27 If the line charge is infinitely long ( so that the field depends on the radius only ) we can choose our Gaussian surface as a cylinder wrapped round the line charge ( Fig. 2.11 ) .
28 ( ‘ Lets see if we can ruin your confidence too ’ ) .
29 well I am convinced by Andrew 's explanation erm I would like to say in terms of when we look at the staff costs against budget , and we came in at only eleven thousand pounds less , er I think that is a erm that we , we , we can congratulate our business manager , on the good control that 's been exercised over the past year .
30 He added : ‘ Our studies have shown that from day one , if our traffic projections are correct , we can cover our operating costs through the revenue received .
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