Example sentences of "we would [vb infin] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But they could 've been talking about something personal and we would 've heard everything they said .
2 So er obviously I did n't know anything about the money owed or we would 've endeavoured to pay it off straight away when we went to the bank er originally when it went when it folded .
3 I I do n't think , we had a matron who was extremely strict and I do n't think we would 've dared to say anything to her at all .
4 She used to sit behind her desk looking very prim and proper , and er I do n't , I do n't quite honestly think we would 've dared say anything to her at all .
5 We would 've dropped her back .
6 ‘ Had that not happened we would 've had a lot more people at the rally .
7 What we would demand given half a chance : Electro-shock treatment for anyone with home-made tattoos .
8 ‘ Otherwise we would have given way to the big guy with the muscle to push and not to Joe Public .
9 The wife of one prominent member of the British community in Seoul said : ‘ We would have hoped she 'd have picked something she had n't worn just a week ago . ’
10 ‘ Fun '90 ’ is an odd one , in which our favourite old people 's home have gone DANCE — albeit with the cranky individuality we would have hoped from the band .
11 Announcing the results of the extended talks , Baker said that " clear gains " had been achieved in arms control and trade issues , but achievements on human rights were " not as much as we would have hoped for " .
12 ‘ Fun '90 ’ is an odd one , in which our favourite old people 's home have gone DANCE — albeit with the cranky individuality we would have hoped from the band .
13 We would have hoped that the county and district councils would have so organized their selection processes that they could have come to this examination in public fully prepared to argue the merits of geographical location .
14 Wind , rain , chemical erosion gradually wear into it and the stone that they used for some of the repair of the cathedral in the years gone by has n't worn as well as we would have hoped .
15 I think that given that you were er , you could n't find the basic book that you were expected to read , I thought you , you gave an excellent account of it , I mean , if you had n't told us that you had n't got the book , I do n't think we would have guessed , would we ?
16 Outgoing Prime Minister Yitzak Shamir was reported on June 27 to have said in an interview with the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv : " I would have carried on autonomy talks for 10 years and meanwhile we would have reached half a million souls in Judea and Samaria [ the West Bank ] …
17 If we sh wanted other conditions we 'd live on a different planet or we would have developed on a different plant .
18 Four years ago , we would have said of blokes like Cathal Coughlan and Patrick Kane : pop needs more figures like them , spiky , striving , sussed .
19 In the words of Zohreh Tabatabai , Chief of Public Services of the United Nations in New York ; ‘ If this had come a year ago , we would have said ‘ no way ’ .
20 Left to us , friends and family , we would have said no , Erin , sorry , not for you .
21 We would have said we would have thought that too sir but er it appears that er
22 We would have said , well , of course we have , because of , you know , we would had reasons and facts
23 At the end of the day though , the championship I think , tells you who is the best team of any one year and erm that 's the professional 's choice I think , if you said at the start of the year which = trophy we 'd like to win , we would have said the championship , erm we were top I think after two games and we fell away a bit since but erm the time to be tops after twenty two , so lets hope we can get up there .
24 Who would have thought fifteen years on , we would have progressed to tractor-mounted brush and flame-weeders ?
25 In the locker room the steel grilles are pasted with letters that say , Thanks for your kindness for making a tough time much easier to bear , and , If it was n't for all of you there at the hospital I do n't know how we would have survived .
26 If it if it had been a tie we would have tossed a coin .
27 I do n't think we would have worn all four verses again ( especially the one about the wagon being painted green ) but , when he got to the line about the deer and the antelope playing , he burst into tears .
28 And then lastly , over the top of that jumpsuit er we would wear our ballistic armour and this is identical to the armour that we would have worn that day .
29 But the plain fact is , and genuinely I mean this , er , er , erm , if it were as simple working across the boundaries between yourselves and the Health Authority , between yourselves and the private sector , with the voluntary sector , and the great army of unpaid helpers if it was that simple , erm , then we would have moved a long way along that line towards implementation of a humane and caring care in the community twenty years ago , when these debates first started .
30 We want them to make the choices we would have made .
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