Example sentences of "we have [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Second , we have to be sufficiently alert : the apparatus has to be switched on .
2 Third , in certain circumstances , we have to be attending to the stimulus : the apparatus has to be tuned in correctly .
3 In 1963 , Leavis published an essay called ‘ Research in English ’ , attacking what he called ‘ a menacing academicism against which we have to be militantly upon our guard — a form of academicism institutionally established in America , and one the tendency towards which in this country — the developments of civilization favouring it — is much strengthened by American influence …
4 I suppose we have to be grateful that Mr Akhtar grudgingly refrains from asking us to ban the works of Voltaire , which seems a major concession from him .
5 We have to be careful to compare like with like when comparing different elements of the media .
6 ‘ With all our problems , we have to be happy with the situation .
7 ‘ With all our problems , we have to be happy with the situation .
8 We have to be out on the streets documenting the revolution and helping to forge our new democracy .
9 We have to be vaguely provident , but no real sacrifices are demanded .
10 Now we have to be careful with the word ‘ redemptive ’ because in a final way only Christ 's sufferings can be deemed truly redemptive ; but I feel that we can make guarded use of the term .
11 ‘ I am afraid , Prime Minister , the answer is that we have to be more efficient than our European competitors . ’
12 To be supporting people at a time of impending loss does not of itself mean that we have to be doing ‘ counselling ’ .
13 I know about these pirate recordings and they cause a lot of trouble — this is something we have to be very careful about with our CD videos — but I know that sometimes there are things that we can never recapture and it is understandable that people will want to have them .
14 ‘ Because of all the rumours we have to be careful .
15 ‘ We stand for what 's good in our country , so we have to be brave and reveal ourselves .
16 We have to be in court on Monday ; he must see that we 're right behind him . ’
17 ‘ Whether we like it or not , we have to be the voice of Israel because in the Arab world radio stations are the representatives of the government , ’ said Mr Sehayek .
18 Winning in the Nou Camp is the Portuguese champions ' only hope of reaching Wembley and their Swedish coach , Sven-Goran Eriksson , admits : ‘ We have to be exceptional in defence , totally committed to maximum discipline and concentration , and inspired in attack . ’
19 We have to be progressive , positive and , above all , radical .
20 Few examples of complete trilobites are known and for the most part we have to be content with the exterior skeleton .
21 Major alterations in the seventeenth and eighteenth-centuries covered up the marble and we have to be grateful to renovations in 1904 for the fact that it is now visible again .
22 ‘ And to think we have to be seen by the world to be arm in arm with them .
23 We have to be prepared to sacrifice lesser values such as physical or rational pleasures , and search for happiness as the gift of God to us .
24 We have to be able to make distinctions between parents , usually mothers , who are not suspected of involvement and parents , usually — although not exclusively — fathers , who are .
25 If we are serious about making the risks of HIV transmission common knowledge , and I believe we have to be , then we need to ensure that every section of society has full access to the information that is available .
26 But we have to be careful to try to understand what steps are proper in order to keep it at bay .
27 We have to be able to make measurements of welfare ; when we have done that , and discovered how good or poor the welfare is , ethical decisions have to be taken , and individuals will have their own ideas about what is acceptable .
28 We have to be realistic .
29 We have to be careful . ’
30 We have to be sure that they have the right product and that they will be able to sell it .
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