Example sentences of "we had not be " in BNC.

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1 We had not been prepared to give way to health unions with much public support .
2 But if we had not been advancing properly — being there just ahead of the main party to iron out any difficulties — the result could have been a very serious error in terms of local coverage , with potentially unhappy consequences .
3 We had not been going for more than half an hour when the driver of the sick man 's bullock cart came to me and said that all was now well , we need go no further .
4 As white lesbians , because of our racism , we had not been able to work out a joint analysis of heterosexism with Black lesbian workers , because we had no knowledge of the implications and ramifications of heterosexism in their lives .
5 Yeah I was gon na move erm on a suggestion that we had not been convinced of the need for this consortium by er , so far and and that certainly we as an authority er , have remained opposed to it on the grounds that we 've stated the terms of accountability in terms of the er , sensitivity to local needs in terms of transport issues and in terms of the clear intention to restrict patient choice erm which I think is a key think which should be emphasised
6 If we had not been brought here we would be dead
7 I was indeed rather dubious about the whole idea , but we had n't been getting very far and there seemed to be no harm in just finding out some more about it .
8 We had to buy one ; it certainly was n't given and do n't forget we had n't been paid a salary while travelling .
9 We had n't been out for ages and there was a good film on . ’
10 ‘ Arthur Andersen felt that we had n't been as strong on the commercial management as we should have been .
11 Well , we had n't been wondering at all , we 'd come straight along the corridor , but of course he was speaking in a wider sense .
12 Ours was a one-off Section in that we had n't been sent to Castelnaudary where things were reputed to be much easier , and where there was a spirit of prevailing moderation which had pervaded the Legion since Mitterrand had brought it into line with the rest of the French army .
13 ‘ Oh , Khan , I think if we had n't been so near the city , he would have burned the cart .
14 She had again unwittingly revealed her misgivings , for on the face of it we had n't been speaking of marriage .
15 The way I put it was intentional and I think if we had n't been sitting in full view of some dozen of the hotel 's guests he would have hit me .
16 They 've started recently , they d they did n't do it for years , we had n't been training anybody and that was unusual because when it was the big factory you were always bringing in the school leavers
17 We were we had n't been home a couple of two or three weeks then the big war started , nineteen fourteen .
18 We had n't been getting on too well , you see .
19 We had n't been disturbed too much by Trippy .
20 You bozos do n't seem to realise it but if we had n't been there at that Florence Conference , would not be in the leading position it currently holds with the commission to guarantee further funds and to create a positive role for Britain in Europe with the commission to wuk look at the issues that are gon na come up in 1993 .
21 Jennifer had been restless and we had n't been getting on very well .
22 They were testing our responses and they 'd have been disappointed if we had n't been there .
23 And er er sort of phone call one afternoon at half past four from the deputy , oh by the way , in fact if we had n't been talking to any Brummies on a we would 've been interviewing people and telling them that they 'd got a three year and these are all points that are gon na be brought up next week , but I do n't see there is any possibility of them doing an about turn because they 've gone public on it .
24 It could have been turned away if we had n't been told .
25 I swear to God that was so like , if we , if we had n't been there he would n't have really bothered
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