Example sentences of "we also [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) We also treated the phasing as a conventional heavy-atom derivative problem with the inclusion of anomalous scattering .
2 We have been consulted on the content of this plan and we also attended a special seminar run by the DoE at Green College Oxford .
3 We also attended a major European conference on the Future of Rural Society held in Inverness in June .
4 We also heard an interesting contribution by the hon. Member for Mid-Kent ( Mr. Rowe ) , who strongly criticised the Government for what he described as their extraordinary ’ confusion ’ over the channel tunnel route and their lack of strategy for rail freight .
5 We also observed a number of lessons in library skills , study skills , basic studies and IS which had been identified by staff as " to do with the library " , and the use made of the library at various times of the day ( including lunch-hours ) .
6 We also observed a tendency of a reduced chance of conception in women with a body mass index under 20 kg/m .
7 We also left a space for teachers to add any others which had occurred in their school .
8 We also noted a tendency for some teachers to create time to monitor children 's learning in prioritized areas like mathematics and language by treating other areas as time fillers .
9 We also produced a good profit in the Pacific at the half year and saw strong premium growth in Asia .
10 ‘ In the United States , where we also produced an improved result , there are now some encouraging signs of recovery as rate increases in both Commercial and Personal lines begin to take effect .
11 We also produced an ischaemia-reperfusion injury model with rat stomach , and found a suppression of both gastric mucosal lesions and increased lipid peroxidation by SOD and catalase .
12 We also went a few nights later to Stavanger , and I do believe that my bomb-aimer at least claimed he saw , through broken cloud , what he took to be hangars on the airfield at Stavanger and these were bombed .
13 To our delight we also got a grandstand view of the original owners of the bay — the otters .
14 Er we also got the Asian community centre on Street , and we we go there and there 's a cross exchange of er ideas .
15 We then got the , the agency for Morris , which was a very popular car and erm we also got the agency for Austins , which er , it came about with father being interested in a hiring car , the Austin Twenty , he thought it was , it was the best that could be got .
16 We also stored a lot of stuff in Billy 's barn .
17 We also discovered the richness and variety of our backgrounds and a growing understanding of our shared roots .
18 We also received a relatively high proportion of data sheets describing development training ( 49% ) as against specifically stated job training ( 10% : see Table 7 ) .
19 However , we also received a little over fifty responses directly from individual schools and colleges giving details of particular activities .
20 We also received a visit from a number of members of the Australian Bar , one of the highlights of which was a debate on the retention or abolition of wigs and gowns , which was conducted by videolink with Australia .
21 We also enjoyed a film , NZ-made ( and based ) , called ‘ The End of the Golden Weather ’ , based on a play by Bruce Mason , which had just been released .
22 We also sold the flooring business of Gerland in France , but have retained an interest in that company 's road paving business , which provides an outlet for bitumen sales .
23 We also saw a film about how the dogs are trained .
24 We also saw a significantly increased concentration 0.01
25 We also saw an exhibition of paintings by Sydney Lough Thompson , one of my favourite NZ artists .
26 We also saw the tracks of foxes and snow leopards .
27 We also saw the ‘ Concubine 's Pool ’ where the Emperor 's favourite concubine used to bathe many centuries ago , and had a bath in the hot spring water ourselves before lunch .
28 We also managed a quick listen to the Wurlitzer that was to provide the background music for the champagne breakfast in the reception area .
29 In addition , we also announced a general SVQ at level I and awards to facilitate access to the SVQ/general SVQ frameworks for those for whom mainstream training is not appropriate , including those with special needs .
30 We also felt the officials were sympathetic to our concerns and were keen to help us direct our pressure more effectively towards influencing planning authorities , public opinion and the Secretary of State .
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