Example sentences of "we up to [art] " in BNC.

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1 And that get us up to a certain distance , but even then that method must fail when you get beyond a certain distance .
2 ‘ You 'd better take us up to the refrigerator factory , ’ Gary said .
3 It was , however , after Palace had acquired Cliff Holton and Dickie Dowsett that we saw Allen at his vintage best , spraying the passes and plying the crosses from which those big fellows scored the goals which first of all kept us in Division Three , and then took us up to the 2nd Division in 1963–64 .
4 The teacher would call us up to the front of the class to recite it , and woe betide anyone who faltered .
5 Can you drive us up to the Royal ? ’
6 We were surprised that the sultan had even noticed our arrival , but the young courier who had taken us up to the guesthouse laughed .
7 Make no mistake about it by all the processes of the government propaganda machine by kite-flying and carefully placed links , the government is trying to soften us up to the idea of increasing the State pension age for women to sixty five .
8 Now what I want to do in this lecture is to finish off the er introductory part of my , of my remarks and take us up to the point where beginning at twelve o'clock the real part , the real er core of this course begins when we start to look at social theory .
9 It puts forward a spurious long term disadvantages as reasons why we should ignore the short term benefits offered to us up to the end of this calendar year .
10 Then there 's Helen , who knows everybody and is highly respected to say nothing of Betty , who will praise us up to the skies even before we 've spayed one cat . ’
11 Themes very closely related to the idea of ‘ locality ’ have been employed to bring us up to an account of region .
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