Example sentences of "we may [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 We may ultimately have people pulling together plans where they assessment is done by a range of people outside social services . ’
2 The rejoinder must be : although we may generally have neither the time nor the inclination to look at literary language under the microscope in this way , the fact that it can be done is important , and the doing of it can not fail to sharpen observation , by making us aware of how larger effects are built up from smaller ones .
3 If he can help Zara to translate her enthusiasm , talent and desire into winning , then who knows , we may even have a champion on our hands .
4 We may even have to see the night through together . ’
5 ‘ We certainly surprised a lot of people and I think we may even have surprised ourselves by the progress we had made in a relatively short time . ’
6 We may even have earnestly studied and attempted to evaluate the varying utterance from the sublime to the ridiculous which emanates from a number of sources for our education .
7 At this rate we may even have several games in hand .
8 Er , because also yo you really do n't wan na play like three consecutive Sundays , but on some of you these yo we may even have to .
9 Despite all the theoretical and intuitive objections to a Martian origin — the uncertainties of the evidence and difficulties of proof — excitement is mounting at the possibility that , without waiting for a mission to return samples from Mars , we may already have Martian samples at hand .
10 We may already have built a rewarding business relationship together and feel that by offering you the shell Account Card this will help to consolidate it .
11 If these skills improve then we may yet have the desired effect of improving the flow of the ball .
12 In ten years ' time we shall no doubt still be using the techniques discussed in this chapter but we may also have opened up new avenues of research by widening the range of materials examined and by using other scientific techniques which at present are only at the development stage .
13 We usually have some warning when one of these changes is about to happen and we may also have the worry about this change balanced by the excitement that a change in circumstances often brings .
14 We may also have a heightened sense of smell before periods , exaggerating any food preferences .
15 We may also have been exposed to the virus in the past through blood transfusion or donor inseminations .
16 We may also have further instructions to manipulate the index register or registers .
17 With Labour , like Lamont , pledged to abolish the Budget as such , we may just have heard the last Tory Budget of all .
18 Er and therefore erm I think we 'd like to some degree wait and see a bit still because er I think that you know economic circumstances of this particular moment mean that we may just have to consider that further of seeing how things progress really between now and October .
19 We will see what we can come up with that 'll be weather proof , we may just have to keep on going out er sticking labels
20 Most of my friends will buy this album and we usually waste a lot of time discussing the merits of whatever record we have recently bought , so we may well have a few arguments on whether to eat meat or not .
21 But we may well have seen them without registering that fact ; perhaps a film is set in a particular location and we are so involved in the plot that the background scenery enters only our subconscious mind .
22 By definition , we have not had the range of experiences which occur in old age , although we may well have some relevant personal knowledge upon which to draw .
23 A spokesperson commented : ‘ It 's true that without them we may well have closed . ’
24 Erm so that we may well have to link in to the training programme and go back and check , for instance in three where I 've talked about the business plans .
25 we may well have to provide the medical report on your behalf , yet .
26 And we may well have to do it again .
27 After the threats of the early '80s we may well have relaxed a bit .
28 Because we may well have somebody down at the scene , who 's in actually fact seen four blokes in white suits take away six plastic sacks .
29 The magisterial pronouncement of Sir George Macdonald on the Antonine Wall has now been overthrown by the brilliant study of the samian by Brian Hartley ( 1972 ) , and the work at Carpow and other Severan sites will help to stabilize the dating of the pottery of this period , so with more revisions and adjustments , we may eventually have a framework which will endure , but only possible since all the groundwork had been so carefully prepared .
30 We may eventually have a slightly longer season — even accounting for a reduction in Premier League matches .
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