Example sentences of "we have more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Would n't we have more control over our affairs if the Bank of England had a major say in what happened , as part of a decentralised European banking authority ? ’
2 If we carry on playing like that , we 've more chance of being relegated . ’
3 We 've more land now .
4 But , with the Cabinet decision and the Chancellor party to it , it was harder for them , and I think we had more success than most other governments in doing this just because I knew the background .
5 ‘ I wish you could have talked about this when we had more time , Adam . ’
6 ‘ If we had more time I 'd take you up on that challenge you 're issuing , my lady , ’ he growled , in a voice that had gone dark and soft .
7 If we had more courage at Goodison in facing up to the truth unpalatable though it may be things might begin to improve .
8 Whereas when we write we have to conform to fairly strict rules of grammar , when we speak we have more choice in the way we employ language .
9 Oh we have more Chinese in seven yes .
10 We have more heart and we love our homeland just that extra bit . ’
11 it 's just the surround , although we have more surround , well no not more surround here , but it 's a different layout
12 I tried to work out why we have more success in the Fourballs than the Foursomes , but I could n't come up with a solution .
13 ‘ Coast defence work is necessary because the area is flooded 50 days of the year , and we have more chance of attracting business investment by removing the threat of flooding .
14 The only reason is that we are younger and we have more freedom , we can do what we like .
15 ‘ I think we are at least as strong as the Oxford crew physically and we have more experience , though the ages of the crews are almost identical .
16 We believe we have more experience in helping franchisees and franchisors than any other clearing bank .
17 We have more experience , and our technology and marketing are better , ’ says Philip Felcey .
18 Series producer Madeline Wilstshire explains : ‘ We have more drama in this series but the reporters are not actors , they 're just ordinary teenagers who are interested enough in a subject to want to make a television programme about it . ’
19 ‘ The catering industry needs things like industrial cleaners for dishwashers which are phosphate free , for instance , and if we can speak to the suppliers as an industry , rather than as individuals , we have more power of persuasion . ’
20 Such women ( I include myself ) are probably a majority in the movement ( it was the sort of feeling that brought us into it in the first place , and anyway we have more time than mothers ) but not among women as a whole , most of whom appear to want to spend at least part of their lives having and raising children .
21 Yes I erm I would like to point out that we are looking er very closely at the sales and I 've just had a report on my desk from the head of finance which is the beginning of the discussions in the management team on er the sales erm and relation of loss of sales to profit and so on and the now we , the shop is in that position we 've had time t we have more time to assess how things are working out .
22 Save it for later , when we have more time to spare . ’
23 A lot of the tourists go over to the other side of the island , but I 'm afraid we 'll have to save that for another trip when we have more time . ’
24 On our non-global growth businesses , we have more restructuring to do , there 's no doubt about that , but the majority of these businesses have the capability , resources and assets for a sound future . ’
25 We put things off until we feel more like doing them , until we have more energy .
26 We have more information on these now .
27 Some experts believe that the fact we have more material possessions these days means that there is simply more to steal — after all , car theft is the most popular form of theft .
28 ‘ Not in the least ’ , he told me , ‘ In fact , it lets us off the hook and will enable us to have more freedom perhaps than before ’ .
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