Example sentences of "we have any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yes well I mean had we had any idea about this , obviously father would of
2 Do we have any knowledge of events which we have not experienced or are not now experiencing ?
3 Do we have any idea what time we 'll be finished ?
4 Did we have any difficulty with the old language ?
5 ‘ Do we have any contingency plans to get him out ? ’
6 Bhutto herself dismissed them as " kangaroo courts " and told journalists on Aug. 26 that " we do not accept any tribunal nor do we have any intention to appear before it " .
7 Do we have any feedback from any other local parties or the National Party are they recommending it or they only putting out feelers to local parties and ask what what we feel about it ?
8 " It does n't look as if we 've any choice , Mr Montgomery , " they young woman grinned .
9 ‘ I did n't think we had any chance of catching him but I just kept shoving and shouting and he got there in the end , ’ said Antoinette .
10 I do n't think we had any cheese did we ?
11 Those of us who campaigned against the Gulf War did so not because we had any liking for Saddam Hussein .
12 " It is n't , after all , as though we had any reason for not having them , because now that Amelia and Magnus and Gabriel are all married there 's plenty of room , and my parents are anyway worried , politically speaking if you know what I mean , about having so much empty house ( though he 's hardly the kind of tenant that that kind of consideration would provide ) , and he even pays some rent from time to time .
13 erm before we have any help in !
14 It 's to remind us that we sweep down from the upper world , slide round the bottom of the circle , and sweep up again , no trouble , if we have any sense . "
15 Much talk with friends of what result we would ‘ settle for ’ — as if we have any choice .
16 It seems to me that if we have any knowledge of England 's past at all , we do tend to have a kind of a picture of our history in the back of our minds which may be completely wrong .
17 It is in that sense and you need product because I do n't think we have any competition on this at all .
18 Let unc where C is the canonical spectral matrix unc of A , and X is the modal matrix of A:X is not unique ; if we have any matrix Y which permutes with C , then from ( 24 ) AXY = XCY = XYC so that we can write the modal matrix of A alternatively as XY .
19 If we have any chance of defeating them , the freak will provide it . ’
20 I still think , however , that there is , there will always be a future for music and we have any vitality we will produce music , so if music dies , we die .
21 If the answer 's no we do not approve then it 's up to us , the onus is on us to do whatever we can , wherever we have any control to prevent it happening .
22 ‘ I do n't think we have any right to assume that .
23 ‘ He asks if we have any news . ’
24 Bernard , if we have any time to spare , better to stand and gaze at the name of the very street we live in , ‘ Mafeking ’ , and contemplate its significance .
25 One of the earliest events in Mercurian history of which we have any record is the widespread obliteration of craters near the end of formation , or soon afterwards .
26 I know that none of us has any choice about what we eat ; it 's all down to drainage , and some systems are obviously better than others .
27 Yeah , but , but our dep our , our department our fat slob wo n't allow it wo n't let us have any overtime
28 We have believed that God wishes us to struggle along , barely able to pay our way , and certainly does n't want us to have any fun with our money !
29 ‘ I have the impression the dolphins do n't want us to have any purpose in our relations with them .
30 ‘ In the beginning , ’ she said , ‘ when these children were uplifted , none of us had any idea what a national scandal we were dealing with .
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