Example sentences of "we [modal v] [vb infin] they " in BNC.

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1 For suppose that the disuse of meat causes a permanent distaste for it , and that an increased demand for fish continues long enough to enable the forces by which its supply is governed to work out their action fully ( of course oscillation from day to day and from year to year would continue : but we may leave them on the side ) .
2 We get quite used to our domestic dog actually bringing us sticks and balls so that we may throw them for our four-legged companion to retrieve .
3 Next we decide which of these reflect the most pressing problems and which become our aims for intervention ( I ) and consider how we may record them ( 4 ) .
4 Arguably it provides a very strong constraint on managers to act efficiently , if we may assume they are concerned about their future career path and if they believe that the firm does not systematically assess their performance wrongly .
5 We may hold them again at a price a hundred times their worth to us , for a few months , a few years at a pinch , but French they will still be , and in the end we must leave go of them .
6 ‘ Forget about the bullets , we may find them in the morning . ’
7 Anselm met them as best he could as they arose , and we may trace them step by step , less to recall the stages in an archbishop 's promotion , than to understand the state of mind in which Anselm progressed from one stage to the next .
8 Even John Henry Newman wrote this about animals : ‘ We may use them , we may destroy them at our pleasure .
9 Even John Henry Newman wrote this about animals : ‘ We may use them , we may destroy them at our pleasure .
10 We need to bring them into the light and recognise them so that we may dispatch them . ’
11 Often we may equate them with more formal partnerships which fall by the wayside after only a short existence ; except that in their breakdown the feelings of guilt , humiliation and bitterness may occur even more strongly than when an " honest " attempt is felt to have been made .
12 We may visualise them as wavelengths and orbits about a nucleus — with some similarity to a miniature solar system .
13 We may need them , but we should also spare a thought for our cats when using them , or sooner or later our pet animals will suffer .
14 I 've a feeling we may need them before this is over . ’
15 We may accept them , to oblige : to save another 's face .
16 If we may further generalize on these projects , we may describe them as setting up models of teaching methods and materials , thus tending to extend and develop user education methods , rather than analysing and criticizing existing methodologies and materials .
17 We may criticise them , using our own high expectations , and find that they fall short .
18 Those of us who enjoy them need only a name for each condition , so that we may discuss them in expectation and in recollection .
19 Either we may see them as qualifying the properties inherent in the nouns , or we may take the view that lawfulness and distance serve to mark out certain generally recognized subcategories of heirs and cousins ( whereas one can scarcely argue for any generally accepted subcategories of strangers and kids marked out by totality and mereness ) , so that they can be treated as ordinary ascriptive adjectives .
20 With abused children the immediate and undisputed need is for protection but , in achieving this , we may cut them off from cherished family and community links , an isolation that may prove damaging .
21 In addition we should eat them raw , or as lightly cooked as possible , to conserve the high ratio of vitamins , minerals and plant protein .
22 They would want a lot ; there is no reason that we should give them everything they ask for .
23 There is no one else on the Tory Benches , so perhaps we should give them time to get someone in to act as the Minister 's runner .
24 I think we should give them two
25 I think we should beat them at H.Q , especially if Batts can get the ball in Midfield , and Deane perks up .
26 People will say we should beat them but we 've seen how difficult this trip has been so far .
27 so we should beat them .
28 I suppose we should ignore them
29 The examples in this section are Janus-like , in that the reader may interpret them metaphorically but , in the light of the examples in the previous section , it seems to me that we should interpret them as cases of underlexicalisation .
30 It is important that we do not hand to our successors decisions made at the end of a dying Parliament ; we should leave them to take the decisions in future .
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