Example sentences of "we [adv] [verb] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Well no you would n't but erm I mean we , we obviously do receive press releases
2 Yet we experience a great sense of loss , if we only let go of this intellect reluctantly and in fact would rather nurture it than shed it .
3 When we finally did make it back to the ground , palpitating and soaked with sweat , there was no sign of Ranteallo , and much of the crowd had already dispersed on its way back to the Rante .
4 Some tyre levers and allan keys were missing but by driving slowly back I ( or rather we , as I 'd offered some fellow tourists a lift back to town ; what with delays getting started , and then this to-do , I bet they wished they 'd never bothered , it would have been quicker to walk ! — and when we finally did set off again , I accidentally left one of them behind , running along the road behind us waving and shouting ! ) — we , as I say , found most of the missing items .
5 If we let indicate that part of the surplus-value which serves for the personal consumption of the capitalists , and that which is turned into capital , thus , it we make and correspondingly , if we further let indicate that part of the surplus-value which is accumulated as a part of the constant capital , and that part of the surplus-value which is to be accumulated as a part of the variable capital , and thus posit and correspondingly thus the general formula for the product of both departments takes on the following form :
6 But we always do have such a choice and hence no sentence has observational consequences all its own .
7 And yet we always do sell them , er we always have Anglepoise lamps in the shop
8 I would , by the way , like to thank the members of , of the Investment Panel , for the help and support they 've given me , and also , in fact , to point out that erm , although s er , your your Chairman has spoken of Sir Ray severing his formal links with the Council , I have to say that we still do have one or two claws still attached to him , in that he remains on , as a very valued member of the Investment Panel , and will continue to provide his wisdom and advice , for which we are all very grateful .
9 Well right-oh we er I do n't think we ever do expect that much .
10 ‘ But when are we going to get it , if we ever do get it ?
11 by the way if we ever did do that stay with aunty Mary , right , then she came back with us
12 ‘ We 've never closed a store , but if we ever did close that one , we would be happy to restore the land for industrial use . ’
13 We nearly did go back , when despite picking what looked like the most innocuous section of the next cloud blocking the route , the VSI cranked round briefly to over 1,000 fpm ascent .
14 For a global argument would claim that we understand nothing , which is ridiculous first because we clearly do understand something and second because crucially we understand ( and are expected to understand ) the sceptical argument itself .
15 It is not just that we clearly do understand something ; rather we know in advance that it is only by understanding the sceptic 's argument as we are clearly expected to , that we could be led to believe that we understand nothing .
16 We 're a school choir — if there are many youth choirs , who can draw from several schools around the area there then the chances of our getting anywhere are slim but if it 's large school choirs then I think we probably do stand a fair chance .
17 I think we I think you 're right we probably do need to run a workshop .
18 Is I think we probably do need as Mr suggested to move number one suggested resolutions , erm now if the Liberal Democrats won places in and if they 'd rather have the work noted proceed to proceed by something sinister .
19 Oh , it all right , we did handle it , that issue anyway , separately , so that 's , we probably did receive your outline there .
20 I think we probably did have Singapore noodles last time .
21 One must remember too that the authors of many of the changes we now see have been Conservative Secretaries of State .
22 We know that in these cases we often do face a real choice of evils and we have to find some way of deciding which of these evils is the worst .
23 All this is said so nonchalantly , with so much gazing across the water and into the cloudy sky , that a spectator might be convinced we really did bump into each other in our lunch break .
24 ‘ Yesterday morning we had almost reached the point , I think , of believing that the test would be plain sailing — we really did think he would make it .
25 So we have to er set out our stall there to form , first of all identify those target P L C's which we really did want to get close to .
26 He 'd say that it proved that , instead of a machine or a sampler , we really did play it !
27 We really did work well as a team .
28 We wo n't take up too much of your time , but we really do want to clear up this misunderstanding . ’
29 They forget that the magic of television means that we 've probably heard it all before , so we really do make an effort to go for fresh material .
30 Tomorrow we really do change the bread into meat .
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