Example sentences of "we [verb] [verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 we agreed to do something like six months ago .
2 We need we 've got lots more questions to ask you .
3 The one that has n't been in fact to employ somebody particularly perhaps to go out the market theatre but this particular mark in time it 's been very difficult for a theatre to actually find twenty thousand this financial year in fact we had to find seventy thousand pound cuts , that was a very difficult exercise so the answer to your question is we accept that recommendation and as soon as the finance is available we intend to employ somebody to take on that task .
4 At particular market in time whilst we agree as the board that we should employ someone and we intend to employ someone we just think at this particular moment in time it is very difficult for us to actually raise that sort of money on a regular basis .
5 Liberal Democrat candidate Peter Bergg said : ‘ We have made it perfectly clear that we intend to invest lots of money in training .
6 ‘ But it is just as common and we intend to make everyone realise it ’ .
7 The problem , of course , is most of us could n't give a sensible reply to the very searching questions they ask , so we tend to say something like ‘ that 's a fascinating questions , but you 'll have to wait till you 're older and ask a scientist ’ .
8 The problem , of course , is most of us could n't give a sensible reply to the very searching questions they ask , so we tend to say something like ‘ that 's a fascinating questions , but you 'll have to wait till you 're older and ask a scientist ’ .
9 And er it took us a long time to get the special material because as you will gather , we tend to do everything properly , so we had to have the a cloth specially woven er handwoven of course and especially dyed and for once we had it especially fooled in other words the nap was raised .
10 ‘ What you laying down there for ? — We got to find something we can reach him with , something he can hold on to . ’
11 Not only did we want to improve something but we have created the wealth to make more resources and improvements available for social needs .
12 Do we need to put anything in the front of our , our quality manual , in the scope of registration , which 'll make it clear that the day to day of our accounts department are .
13 ‘ Or do we need to set something up ?
14 as far as the racking itself 's concerned has it erm affected the stability of the racking or has it just dented it I mean is do we need to do anything about it ?
15 We normally study style because we want to explain something , and in general , literary stylistics has , implicitly or explicitly , the goal of explaining the relation between language and artistic function .
16 We want to see something really surprising . ’
17 Our attitude is that we want to see everyone in the six counties , whether Protestant or Catholic , active in the movement to attain civil rights for the people there .
18 If we want to do something badly enough and set about it seriously it is staggering how much help just seems to fall our way .
19 And that did result in a group of of people getting together and saying , We want to do something , to rectify this this bad image and show the good side of .
20 Okay , what does it mean in terms of the number line ? the number line there , and we want to do something like two add three , what does that mean ?
21 Right for the pragmatists in the group , we want to do something practical learn from that .
22 Yes so that if for example a company called Twin Plugs or something says right we 're going to sponsor a concert , because we 're opening a new factory and we think this is special and we want to do something , we will put in ten thousand pounds .
23 We want to do something a bit different .
24 We want to do something to celebrate it , ’ said Mr Lamb , ‘ It 's just we have n't got much money .
25 We want to do something for the voluntary sector .
26 All of us , whatever our walk of life , are frequently in situations where we want to persuade someone or , in other words , influence someone to do what we want them to do ( eg a salesperson trying to persuade a buyer or a negotiator trying to persuade another negotiator ) .
27 If we want to buy anything at the moment we have to borrow the money .
28 We want to know everything about the Dove Trust and its officers .
29 She 's going to Russia for a week in February of all times and we want to have something really warm .
30 I saw them standing in a crowd ; they told me ‘ We want to prove something , show them something . ’
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