Example sentences of "we [adj] [vb base] is " in BNC.

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1 And so I hope that , as you go away from this place , that you will really go away with the knowledge , and with the technical know-how , to put across the work which , as I said earlier , we all recognize is a very important part in these coming months and years .
2 The proof of the pudding as we all know is in the eating , and I thought where better to sample the pudding than at RAF Uxbridge .
3 This problem , which we all know is to change the balance of the nations trade from deficit to surplus to export more than we import , and to take this trade balance out of the red .
4 Wrap it around me like a Cupid-woven shawl and then let's dance together in this maze we call living , searching for the centre which we all know is death .
5 I believe that the new man and the new woman are totally related to the new society , which we all know is socialism , As Christians , we want this society to be more humanitarian , more based on criticism and self-criticism , more about sharing and equality .
6 Now the the correct attitude we all know is the one where you ease off .
7 We all know is coming after this day dies .
8 Okay Now as those of you who have been on a course will know er on a training course one thing I particularly ask you and we all do is to be open minded .
9 I say real progress has been made but today I am asking you to think about the next step a step that I am sure we all feel is at the heart of the matter a transforming step perhaps the critical step that will guarantee ultimate success in fulfilling god 's loving will for his church .
10 The first level of primitive cacheing we all have is provided by the BUFFERS command in CONFIG.SYS — and really , it is n't cacheing at all — check out the Caches info-box .
11 Of course I have to say that er software fails as well sometimes and indeed one of the problems we all have is that with today 's hardware technologies some of the er computers are so fast that it really reaches the bugs rather quicker .
12 And one of the problems that these folk had , and one of the problems we all have is as long as we think we 're all right , then we 're all wrong .
13 It 's one of the most basic needs we all have is to have a roof over our heads .
14 What we both need is a good strong cup of tea to wash it away .
15 The home in which we both live is a nonsense , and a nonsense from which I can see no way of ever extracting us .
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