Example sentences of "we [verb] got get " in BNC.

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1 So we 've got got a a rule somewhere .
2 And over the page here we 've got got some more .
3 Yes we 've got got s I 've got loads in , in flowerpot , in these big containers .
4 ‘ I suppose we 've got to get used to rich people coming along with their decorators ’ , she said .
5 What we 've got to get over now is the need for action straight away , not next year or the year after .
6 It 's ‘ Ooh , we 've got to get up those stairs ’ . ’
7 We 've got to get out of here .
8 She said to Gazzer : ‘ We 've got to get him out ! ’
9 In her famed speech on election night 1987 , as she rallied her party troops on the steps of Party Headquarters not to rest on their laurels but to continue the fight ( they were to be allowed one night of ‘ marvellous partying ’ but must start back the next day with renewed vigour ) , she announced that ‘ we 've got a big job to do in some of those inner cities … and politically , we 've got to get back in there — we want to win those too ’ .
10 ‘ This team of mine , who were down there last night , we 've got to get them swimming , you know .
11 ‘ He wo n't mow the lawn , we 've got to get an electric one .
12 We 've got to get him to hospital . ’
13 We 've got to get help . ’
14 Later on , in a pub , Mr Smith chats to a friend : ‘ Of course we 've got to get stuck in , at least to some extent , because the alternatives make the mind boggle . ’
15 We 've got to get rid of the bastards . ’
16 Graham said : ‘ We 've got to get back to what we were doing before when we had a 10-match unbeaten run .
17 We 're putting something out for public debate and we 've got to get it out now . ’
18 There 's people out there with stories to tell , and we 've got to get them into the bookshops , get something different on the shelves .
19 We 've got to get our bird out of there before the balloon goes up .
20 We 're lost and we 've got to get back to the station . ’
21 We both know we 've got to get round this event .
22 GERRY Francis last night leapt to the defence of Graham Taylor and insisted : ‘ We 've got to get together to help England . ’
23 He said : ‘ We 've got to get back to the days when Elland Road was an intimidating place for teams to visit .
24 We 're all in this together and we 've got to get on with it together .
25 Which is why we 've got to get the typescript to her by the end of January .
26 Unfortunately with got to get some of those people who do n't want to come and it 's all about bums on seats it 's the old old saying bums on seats we 've got to get an answer how we do n't get to these here at the moment in the audience whether they are people who want to get bums on seats or how they know how to do it perhaps they should have a meeting like this every month I 've never seen so many of .
27 Seriously though we 've got to get people into this theatre on a more regular basis .
28 A few years ago I saw a couple of Eastenders stars come in erm and Ross whatever his name forget his name there were two young girls standing in front of me scraping pennies out of their purse to get in though we loved that character they wanted to come that night we 've got to get girls like that youngsters like that interested to come on other nights and then come again that 's what needs doing . .
29 We 've got to get back to the stall .
30 We 've got to get , we should get more publicity .
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