Example sentences of "we [was/were] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We were assigned almost immediately to carry our share on such missions as , Hanover , Berlin and then there were those shallow missions to North Africa and , and of Russia .
2 Halfway through , Corporal Vigno decided that we were slacking so we all had to do press-ups on the gravel , perched on our clenched fists .
3 It was clear to me from this letter that we were engaged again , if that was what I wanted , and I did ; also , that the natural happiness and buoyancy of Leslie 's nature had reasserted itself , now that it had been released from what he had felt to be the cramping frustration of home service .
4 We were fishing together recently on Plantation Loch , near Altnaharra in North-West Sutherland , catching nothing .
5 My own favourite example of this attack , and the contradictions that came with it , was that as Council members we were asked both to take pride in an NEA-sponsored and adulatory film about the graffiti that were then disfiguring the New York City subway system , and to support lavishly the great American museums whose distinguished collections were ( and remain ) a standing rebuke to the so-called experimental art of which graffiti were then such a beguiling component .
6 We were asked earlier in another case involving a young boy if we would be prepared to help .
7 ‘ Do you think we were followed here ? ’
8 The Colombi is among the ‘ Thirty Best Hotels in Germany ’ list — and we were followed close to Freiburg … ’
9 We were living here and there , and I was looking for investors , so we gave a care-of-Cook 's address .
10 We were living quite near a saddler 's shop in Debenham , and I was always interested in it .
11 Jim was a charge nurse , it never occurred to us that we were living before , below the poverty line .
12 We were so broke when we were living there that I 'd buy a bar of Kit Kat in the morning , have two fingers of it for breakfast and the other two for dinner in the evening .
13 ‘ I knew that Alan liked the odd drink but it was n't until we were living together that I realised her was more or less an alcoholic , and violent with it . ’
14 The council told us the only way we could get a home was if we were living together .
15 We were trained less to kill than to be killed .
16 We were looking forward to gorging ourselves , but the buyer was a restaurateur and his chef had skinned it so cleanly that there was n't enough flesh for a sandwich ) .
17 We were looking forward to our walk but did n't want the holiday to end .
18 We were looking forward to the vacation , to Christmas , to what you called ‘ New Year 's ’ .
19 But we had only a month in Borneo and after just three days — rather than the recommended three weeks — relaxing in Miri , the capital of Sarawak , we were looking forward to getting down to some trekking , the purpose of the trip .
20 When our 'plane touched down at Ibiza Airport , we were looking forward to a couple of weeks in the sun , hoping that the children would be amused and we could just relax .
21 We were looking forward to going seven points clear for Christmas but four will do for me at this stage . ’
22 He was n't here very much , as you know , but we were looking forward to the end of his army service and then we would have settled here . ’
23 We were looking forward to free hospitality but there was n't a drop in sight . ’
24 We were looking forward to a meal and a quiet evening in Dover when a radio message via Dover Coastguards informed us that another suspect vessel had been spotted heading west through the Straits after sailing from Belgium where she had given the local customs a false destination in Sweden for a large consignment of spirits loaded .
25 That 's why we were looking forward to the Family Day .
26 We were looking forward to some exercise of rowing , but typically when we arrived , we found they had prepared a gondola-like craft ( of a kind emperors used to go in ) on which we were meant to sit and be gently punted around while we sedately drank tea .
27 The the Council looking at the whole process of how it spends it money what it does , I think the theatre the start of this evening we were looking quite close about what we do and how we do it what we do n't do and what we should do and I think from what 's been said this evening will be re look closely the questions you 've raised things that you 've raised we 'll report it back to you in the hope of this meeting that we 'll actually moved forward because I think it 's in everybody interest everybody 's interest if the playhouse closes .
28 We were looking about four thousand pounds for for s for a thousand copies of the
29 You know when we were looking originally ?
30 You 're afraid to ask perhaps for I mean I 've lived in a house with a landlord , the landlord turned the heating down , turned the water heating off on occasions because we were using too much hot water between about four or five of us .
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