Example sentences of "we [vb base] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The remaining two-thirds of the sucrose we eat is in " hidden " form , as in chocolate , confectionery , biscuits , cakes , soft drinks , and ice-cream .
2 And they said we do n't mean to be over the men , but what we mean is for you to come down the office , no what the office wants as regards orders , and be responsible and pass them out to the men who you 'll think who 'll do the job best and all that , and that 's what we mean .
3 One point five inverse time , fifty six point three is in there , so the answer we want is minus two , one , three one , two , three , , seven , so add that to and I hear one , two , four , .
4 All we want is for things to go back to normal . ’
5 Now that we do live much longer with better health care generally , what we want is for women to be able to live that last third of their lives in health and being able to enjoy themselves and contribute to the community , not feeling that they 're crippled by pain .
6 When it comes to saving lives or building bridges , the last thing we want is for uninformed and inexperienced students to form their own ideas .
7 Otherwise all we want is for her to have fun , and to enjoy happiness and health . ’
8 The last thing we want is for someone to pop up unmarked and score a goal .
9 Er the reason want referring because has n't commenced it 's considered er view and the last thing we want is to be in business actually doing is enclosing on St Albans and anything that St Albans does n't actually want .
10 What we want is to be working here .
11 It 's then we 've got of course and once we 've got it , we 've got ta take on board the implications in relation to what the training we provide is in relation
12 Still climbing down the column , the next great limestone development we meet is in the lower part of the Upper Devonian .
13 The first of the case studies we describe is of the use of robots in a West German factory and gives strong support to the de-skilling hypothesis described in the previous chapter .
14 If the first criticism we read is of Shakespeare ( an Othello casebook , typically ) , then the first contemporary poe we come across is probably Ted ( ‘ a black — /Back gull bent like an iron-bar slowly ’ ) Hughes .
15 ‘ Every time we question users of Teletel , particularly frequent users , the only complaint we hear is of the speed .
16 The title of his last book , Possible Worlds , gives a key to the process : that the world we inhabit is by no means the only one , but only one of any number we may care to imagine .
17 Make them do what we know is for their benefit as well as our own , and all difficulties in China are at an end . ’
18 He has written in reference to a property in Hoo , " This is owned by Mr Henry Golding of Upper Halling who we find is of Langridge Manor " .
19 Erm as the notes to this table indicate , it is a compilation by the panel secretary of what we believe is before us .
20 But we not regimented in this department we 're flexible that 's why these things are happening cos we turn our hands to whatever we believe is in the interests of the company .
21 It may be true that the life we destroy is in the main of the lower orders or minute forms , but it is none the less destruction of life for all that , and since ahi sā involves doing no injury to any form of life , it follows that no matter how careful and compassionate and self-restrained a person may be he can not entirely escape committing hi sā .
22 The fastest dissociation that we observe is from TGCA in T 9 GCA 9 , despite the fact that studies using synthetic polynucleotides of the type ( AT ) n GC(AT) n revealed that dissociation from TGCA was slower than from all other sites [ 17 ] .
23 All that we ask is for sufficient land so that we may then help ourselves .
24 So it 's either setting or not setting the weights and in the N tuple rule all we do is in fact set the weights .
25 Well what I do is like put it on a tray , right what we do is in the night right and if you 'd stayed up late I 'd put cheese
26 It is an important one , because every aspect of the environment in which we live is of interest to us as individuals and is certainly of interest to the people whom we seek to represent .
27 Whereas the district in which we live is under an agreement between the three great companies — the Midland being one — that not one of them shall promote a railway in the district without the consent of all three companies ; the continuation of the Bishop 's Castle line is now saddled with the further condition that it shall not be made independently of the Corvedale line , whereas a proposal was made by one of the largest shareholders in the Cambrian to complete it independently of any other line .
28 ‘ Do n't you ever realise , ’ said Helen , ‘ that the way we live is unlike the way other people live ? ’
29 I think that we should accept th that this island in which we live is in effect becoming smaller day-by-day , as it is becoming more and more open er we should accept that its population is becoming perhaps with the assistance of a little advice from myself from time-to-time , rather more mobile than it used to be and I must say that we should I think all accept and I 'm sure we do that criminals do not have any particular respect for local authority boundaries er indeed the existence of the motorway system er despite the M25 does encourage mobility of crime and criminals to a very great extent .
30 Never mind what we think is in chromosomes — if babies can learn to talk and listen , then some sort of knowledge must be in there somewhere .
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