Example sentences of "we [vb base] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You mentioned earlier on that that perhaps er like with Guy Fawkes , there 's a lot of things that come from the past , from our history and we lose Perhaps we lose a bit of sight about where they 've come from .
2 We communicate how we feel non-verbally , okay ?
3 If we cash in we can go up in second spot .
4 However hard we work we can never make more than that — and unless we make more we do n't get any bonus .
5 We sell where we believe we can make most money .
6 When we mean never we say tomorrow morning — it 's like the Spanish saying mañana .
7 As we grow up we model ourselves on our parents , identifying with them and imitating them .
8 ROS : We cheer up him — find out what 's the matter
9 And and in Wales yeah we forget where we were there .
10 If we slip up they 'll all join us in the wide blue yonder or whatever .
11 In ninety two , three by point six seven and in the budget we propose tonight we 've asked for four point five five million .
12 The suggestion that er we should join this er , I mean first of all I think that 's if they would allow us to join it , and obviously we realise why they want to join this , rather to the Archbishop of Canterbury saying he would like to join er sit in his cabinet and , and , this , this that sort of level of discussion .
13 We realise now we made a mistake but everyone in Cyprus assured us it was a formality , ’ said Mary .
14 They are made by human beings and if they are not doing what we want then we have a right and a responsibility to change them .
15 Well we 'll see what we say anyway we 've got er we 've got a couple of the Councillors on erm after one o'clock today Councillor Stuart Argyle and we 've got David Poole on as well
16 Then what happens is we say well we do n't need the service of noise abatement Monday , Tuesday , Wednesdays erm so what we 'll do is we will concentrate on Thursday , Friday , Saturday .
17 As I said God did n't leave it like that , because God did in Jesus Christ what we could never do for ourselves , you see you and I at times we felt that I , I want to be different from that and we , and we pushed against one of these pressures and so that we pushed it out a wee bit , but as we 've pushed there it 's come back in somewhere else and as we 've stopped pushing and we 've gone to another bit so that first that has become , has come back as it was and we spend our lives perhaps running around trying to get the circle back again , it 's an impossible task , we ca n't do it , we spend our whole lives in the frustration things and we , and we start blaming on things , if only that situation was different , if only those circumstances were different , but it 's far , far , far more fundamental than that and we 've got ta come to the place where we say well I ca n't do any thing about it , I 've tried my hardest , but I ca n't do it , and that 's where God comes and says hang on a minute I 'll do it for you and that 's what he did in Jesus Christ , he did for us what we could n't do for ourselves , the bible tells us that Christ is the perfect image of God , it 's in Colossians one fifteen and just er full verses further on in verse nineteen it says in him all the fullness of God , in Jesus , all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and so in Christ God 's son , God dealt with the problem of sin which had caused that twisting and that warping and that distortion , your life and in my life , that which spoiled his image in us he created us in his image , but you 've only got to look at people today , you 've only got to look at ourselves , see , where is the image of God , is that what God is like , jealous , filled with anger , bitterness , envy , is that what God is like , unclean thinking , is that what God is like that 's not his image , but he created us in his image perfect and what Jesus Christ did on the cross , is to restore that image , that original image in you and me , to recreate us in the image of God , so in
18 Why ca n't they dip into modules because once they 've learned that they then come to us and we say right you 're at the stage where you can do the certificate in Industrial Editing sit our exam
19 ‘ Sometimes we have to watch what we say when we go home because we do so many interesting things now that it would seem like we were boasting .
20 Florentin Popescu 's poem , ‘ In Simple Words ’ , expressed the whole people 's love for the ‘ woman as scholar ’ whose ‘ name we say when we use simple words : water , sun and bread ’ .
21 It is not the question of what in general we say when we assert such conditionals , or what they are about , but the question of what reasons we have for saying what we do .
22 So I 've we walk everywhere you see , and I thought well I 'm not
23 Making the best use of space is important in any room , but we show how it can make all the difference in kitchens and bathrooms
24 We consider below the implications this result has for policy , and in chapter 6 we show how it can serve as the basis for an empirical test of the model .
25 We support whenever we can the interests of museums , both with respect to the tax laws and otherwise .
26 Look , Newman , supposing we meet where we met before ?
27 when I walked in I , I said you know I said Mr we meet , we meet again I said .
28 If I could also ask those of you who have n't decided on a confirmation name , I think really by the time we meet again you should .
29 Bill reveals : ‘ Whenever we meet up it 's all flowers and champagne , and it 's like another honeymoon .
30 Often when we meet together we are distracted by a thousand thoughts .
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