Example sentences of "we [adv] made [art] " in BNC.

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1 The thing with Minneapolis was that everyone was bored to tears , so we just made a scene . ’
2 We just made the wrong moves , and Pat Malone was injured .
3 We just made the wrong moves , and Pat Malone was injured .
4 I was already friendly with Tate , and Eddie knew him through the shop , so we soon made a threesome and we kept together for nearly fifty years . ’
5 When we played this , we usually made a rule that the teams lined up alternating sexes .
6 We still made a certain amount of buckets and bins and things like that which was their stock in trade , but mostly it was erm was erm bomb fins and mortar bombs aerial bombs erm er and er things like er fins for bombs like that .
7 We quickly made the acquaintance of everyone in our lane which was part of a very scattered village , and after the children started school there were always some of their friends around the house .
8 And then of course , we we also made the , at my firm , made the er Battle of Britain curtain , which was very famous , in those days , and I think they 're still I used to have one but I do n't know where the devil it went to .
9 We now made a practice , as soon as we camped , of building a perimeter round the camp with loads and camel saddles , and , if there were sufficient bushes available , added a thorn fence or zariba .
10 We really made an effort .
11 The fact is , USL 's total revenues for 1992 were about $90m and we even made a bit of a profit .
12 To cap it all , we then made a forced passage back to Oban in a force eight south west gale as Sam wanted to get back to Southampton in time for a wedding .
13 We sometimes made an overcoat for one of those owd country-bo 's — a head horseman , for instance .
14 In my own company we recently made a bonfire of our control systems .
15 ‘ But when the young folk of the dale were given a few hours off we certainly made the most of it .
16 But wh well what are you looking for now , to see if we actually made a decision on it ?
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