Example sentences of "we [adv] have in " in BNC.

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1 Of course when we think and talk about computers , we generally have in mind something much more formal and more scientific than our own hands .
2 In reality , such a debate misses the point of the parallelism : the question is not whether , taken in isolation , B is more precise than A , but whether " king of Moab " in B adds any precisions to what we already have in A. unquestionably it does ; however , we must admit that in the case of " Aram " II " the Eastern Hills " we can not say that B adds precision to A ( unless perhaps the poet knows something that we do not ) .
3 And that in fact what we already have in this county is a balance of policies which substantially favour environmental protection and this is just a means of adding another one which is another hurdle for any department to erm to actually er meet .
4 When we say that individuals have a right to be protected against assault , we do not mean that this protection must be achieved through some particular scheme we already have in mind .
5 What could we possibly have in common except our situation ?
6 ‘ It was youthful adrenalin , which we still have in a way and that is why we are probably in a group , ’ says Gedge .
7 And indeed I would remind the panel that we still have in P P G one that the basis of appli applications for development should be allowed having regard to development plan and all material considerations unless proposed development would cause demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged importance .
8 Perhaps I should start with one of the most colourful characters that we ever had in the Pathfinder Force — unhappily now dead — Tommy Blair of No 83 Squadron .
9 We also have in the area a tremendous number of new houses which have never been contacted by us or for by any political party and I would hope that we might be able to do er something about the area behind the church there is er an area that comes to mind which could well be fruitful , and I would hope that we might during this year get er some kind of literature out to these places apart from election literature .
10 In saying that an event c caused an event e , or that e was the effect of c , we typically have in mind but do not say that a set of things including c , but not necessarily all occurring at the same time , was required for e .
11 What we mainly have in answer so far , about causes and causal circumstances , is that they stand in seven connections — the last three of which are also fundamental to what will be said of nomic correlates .
12 Now that 's partly due to having got a good result and performance , but more so because of the feeling of togetherness we now have in the squad .
13 Even some like-minded philosophers ( Mackie , 1974 , Ch. 2 ; Sanford , 1985 ) have been ready enough to take it that if c caused e in an ordinary situation then it is true , as we have it in ( 1 ) , that if c had n't occurred , neither would e , but they have omitted or denied what we now have in ( 3 ) , that it is also true that if or since c occurred , so did e .
14 We now have in play what Stuart Hall has dubbed ‘ new ethnicities ’ .
15 We now have in the Principality the head office of the Export Credits Guarantee Department and the Patent Office .
16 We now have in power a Government who have produced the biggest-ever package of training in support of people who are out of work .
17 We now have in place an extensive set of management procedures covering all operations , and we must build upon this success and make our business more efficient .
18 Until we do , I would suggest , and it 's not just about until we do , then , I do n't think we 're going to make really serious dint with the number of children that we now have in care .
19 We now have in place a new estates officer for Cherry Hinton er can I ask that that there is a special report brought to the housing committee er before the summer recess on the possible solutions to the problems that have been identified ?
20 It 's the big things which matter , not the details , and those we surely have in common .
21 There is a frustrating lack of the sort of corroborative evidence for the carrying-out of functions which we occasionally have in the case of counts and missi .
22 Our medium term plan sets out a programme for developing the business we currently have in North America and Europe .
23 Otherwise , in the production and distribution of food we should have all the corresponding phenomena to those we actually have in housing : ten million family budgets based on artificially low rents ; the machinery of house production divided sharply into two , councils building to rent , companies building to sell ; the price of rented house-room a voting issue in local and parliamentary elections .
24 Fear of losing what we never had in the first place .
25 We never had in Russia what we have here .
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