Example sentences of "from [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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31 Kildimo prefers faster ground , both Romany King and Captain Dibble disappointed last time , and the bottom three face stiff tasks from out of the handicap .
32 Suddenly , from out of the passenger seat , under the orange glow of the street lamps , arose an Adonis , at least 6 foot 3 inches tall with a V-shaped torso , long golden hair , and an immaculate white suit .
33 Suddenly , from out of the shadows , a man ran towards my car , yanked open the passenger door and jumped in , taking me completely by surprise .
34 The massive thighs which emerged from out of the smock were encased in a pair of extraordinary breeches , bottle-green in colour and made of coarse twill .
35 FROM OUT of the blue , 21-year-old Elvis Presley has rocketed on to the popular music scene with all the scorching fury of a meteor , ’ reckon the NME on May 11 , 1956 .
36 It seems as though habitable mountains have grown up precipitously and cancerously from out of the ravaged landscape in defiance of gravity the leveller .
37 Those two seemingly soothing hands hauled him up from out of the glove .
38 Which , presently , Meh'Lindi did , ravenously consuming fish , flesh and fowl from out of the stasis-boxes which they had brought to the suite from Jaq 's ship , the Tormentum Malorum , which went by the alias of Sapphire Eagle while they were visiting Stalinvast .
39 All too often , human beings showed a literally fatal attraction towards such poisonous powers and their sub-daemons ; as indeed perhaps people must , since those selfsame entities had agglutinated from out of the foul passions of once-living souls .
40 From out of the air about the target suddenly appear a flock of hawks fashioned from ice .
41 In ‘ Downtown Beirut ’ , the boozery next door to the infamous ‘ Village Idiot ’ on 10th St. , ( where two Pogues ' albums continually rotate on the juke box ) , a dastardly plan was hatched to kidnap Strummer from out of the ‘ Seven B ’ bar , where he 'd been drinking all week , and substitute him onstage with Joe Hurley .
42 He broke off and ate a piece of Mint Crisp from out of the platform chocolate machine Kevin offered him as a tribute to his prowess .
43 He felt as if he were in a trance , speaking the words of someone else ; the pressure of this rare ocean heave of happiness had re-baptised him , and the words came from out of the air .
44 A voice came from out of the dark depths of the cage to his right .
45 It was still , but he sensed her staring at him from out of the darkness of her shelter , and a laboured and painful breathing came from her .
46 From out of the darkness at the back of her cage came the slow and ailing movement of a wing ; then the drag of a weak old talon , then the hunch of a back that was grey and dry with age and illness ; and finally in the archway of the shelter entrance where the dank morning light fell , the aged and troubled form of an eagle .
47 Then from out there where Slorne 's gaze had led him , from out of the dark moonlit sky , there came a distant calling of a name , a place , a power , and it was like a great presence he could only feel and not see , and it cast itself over him , and over his cage , and over the whole Zoo , and over more than that .
48 From out of the terrible confusion came a different voice , a gentle voice , a voice that understood .
49 The Fat Controller blew a plume of cigar smoke at it from out of the corner of his mouth ; the blue strands interleaved with her browner ones .
50 I tell you what I think , since you ask , since you dare to push your repulsive face at me , from out of the smooth paintwork of my heavily mortgaged heart .
51 He prised the carcass up from out of the wet , clinging turf and turned it over , examining it .
52 The Tree Spirits were a great deal taller than Tealtaoich and , from out of the blending , shifting , gold and green and russet , their eyes were ancient and wise and beautiful .
53 From out of the past came a memory of a quick cut home , down past the side of Deller 's and then out into Queen Charlotte 's Alley .
54 From out of the mist came an old man with a huge dog by his side .
55 Before she had quite given in to despair , however , from out of the doorway of the inn came a dour old man in ancient , shabby livery , with shiny elbows and tarnished braid .
56 She looked at him blankly , conscious of the anticlimax that had brought her tumbling down from out of the clouds , then she nodded , while making an effort to convey the impression that his kiss had failed to have the slightest effect upon her .
57 Lucy said , ‘ In that case all you need is patience , and one day the right woman will come to you from out of the blue . ’
58 They fall unexpectedly from out of the blue . ’
59 as if in answer to his doubts , from out of the birch-trees came Mr Malik , at the head of a line of boys .
60 The little boy showed no sign of rising vertically into the air or of summoning seven hundred fiery horsemen from out of the sky .
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