Example sentences of "from him [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Walsh went first to Hungerford in search of Charles Mogg — ‘ by no means the most intelligent Man in the World ’ — and from him received a detailed account of his conversations with Thomas Jones and other villagers at Holford .
2 He showed them into the lift , shaking hands with them both , and as Catherine turned away from him to press the lift button , he suddenly raised his eyebrows at McLeish in amusement at his own response to her .
3 If the choice of site was intended to reinforce fraternal solidarity , it failed : Lothar 's palace at Thionville was too close for comfort , and his brothers still mistrusted him so much that they demanded hostages from him to guarantee the security of their own negotiators .
4 He held his foster-brother away from him to get a good look at him .
5 Bob stared at Morris — mainly at the back of his head , since it was turned slightly away from him to follow the speeding journeys of his pen across the paper .
6 Q. My horse is very careless with one ( or perhaps both ) forelegs and most of our jumping disappointments stem from him dipping a leg down .
7 Eventually she explained that she owed money to a stall-keeper who sold second-hand clothing : she had stupidly borrowed some from him to buy a dress .
8 It is not known who was the mother of Osred , Aldfrith 's son and successor , nor when Aldfrith 's queen , Cuthburh , parted from him to found a nunnery at Wimborne ( ASC A , s.a. 718 ) .
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